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In this biblically supported argument, readers encounter a deeply passionate treatise about loving this historic people of God.
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Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it’s the most widely read book, it’s also the least understood.
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In order to keep students from becoming discouraged, especially in the beginning stages, the authors have decided to give more vocabulary aid, so students do not have to spend all their time trying to look up words in a dictionary.
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God wants us to understand the last days—and what better way to do so than with this trustworthy and easy–to–use encyclopedic guide to Bible prophecy.
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Readers who have perceived the Middle East conflict as too complicated to understand will gain a new appreciation for how today’s events fits into God’s plan for the future.
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This convenient presentation not only gives you the information you need on these key end time views, but also informs you about outstanding commentators on the book of Revelation throughout much of church history.
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The apostle Paul helps the Colossians-and consequently us-to see Christ in His true glory as firstborn, as master, as Lord, and as God. Check out the entire Coffee Cup Studies series!
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God wants us to understand the last days—and what better way to do so than with this trustworthy and easy–to–use encyclopedic guide to Bible prophecy.
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This book explores six tough questions men ask. Each of the six Bible studies is crafted especially for men, and provides biblical answers, relationship-building discussion questions, fun activities, and character-building insights.
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