Quiet Strength Mens Bible Study [Paperback]
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OverviewAlso available: Quiet Strength (the book)-SP #498011, Bktrax-Disc-Quiet Strength (audio book)-SP #498030, Go Deep Tailgate Party Kit-SP #216659
This resource addresses six tough questions men ask. Or, more accurately, don't ask--though men crave the answers.
Each of the six Bible studies is crafted especially for men, and provides biblical answers, relationship-building discussion questions, fun activities, and character-building insights from the life of Tony Dungy, Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts.
Readers find six studies that answer these questions:
What's my game plan?
What's my strength?
What's success?
Where's my security?
What is my significance?
What's my legacy?
Publishers DescriptionThis resource addresses six tough questions men ask. Or, more accurately, don't ask--though men crave the answers. Each of the six Bible studies is crafted especially for men, and provides biblical answers, relationship-building discussion questions, fun activities, and character-building insights from the life of Tony Dungy, Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts. # Readers find six studies that answer these questions: What's my game plan # What's my strength # What's success # Where's my security # What is my significance # What's my legacy
Pages 96
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.92" Width: 6.67" Height: 0.21" Weight: 0.3 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Jul 18, 2024
Publisher Group Publishing
ISBN 0764436627 EAN 9780764436628
Availability 15 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 09:15.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Study Feb 19, 2008 |
Tony Dungy's "Quiet Strength" men's bible study is a great way to begin getting men involved with God's word. It's only 6 weeks long and doesn't require alot of reading or studying during the week. The subject matter is something all men should go through to help them draw closer to God, their family and each other. |
 | Dungy's Faith and His Approach to Football and Life Feb 18, 2008 |
Tony Dungy is a rather unique and inspiring person. Tony Dungy has been in the National Football League as a coach for many years. As a head coach he lead the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to the brink of a championship before being let go. He finally got over the hump by winning Super Bowl XLI over the Chicago Bears behind Peyton Manning and the feisty play of strong safety Bob Sanders.
This memoir is about how Coach Dungy applies his Christian faith to not only his coaching in professional football, but to his life off the field as well. His approach to coaching football is certainly unique. He is no Bill Parcel's who often demeans his players, sometimes in public, to motivate them. He is also not the stereotypical coach who screams, yells, and cusses at his players when they make mistakes or in an attempt to fire them up or get the best out them. His style, by all accounts, is a quiet, understated approach that has certainly worked well for him. He rebuilt the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from a lousy team to a championship caliber team but could never quite get the wins in the playoffs to reach the Super Bowl. He was, most would say, unfairly fired by the Buccaneers as they seemed to feel he was not going to get them past the playoffs and to the Super Bowl. One year after he was let go buy the Bucs, the team won Super Bowl XXXVII over the Oakland Raiders with Jon Gruden as head coach.
After being hired as head coach by the Indianapolis Colts, Dungy quietly built up the defensive side of the ball. The defensive unit had often let the team down and was clearly a weak link. While the Colts defense never became quite as good as his Buccaneers teams, it was just good enough to get a Super Bowl win.
Beyond talking about applying his faith to his role as head coach, Dungy talks about the importance of his family and his community and how he has striven to give all he can to each. And through this memoir, the reader learns a lot about Dungy's career in the NFL and his teams, so there is plenty of football talk in the book to please fans of the game. He also talks about how his faith helped him cope with the inexplicable suicide of his teenage son.
Overall, this is an excellent book if you are a fan of football or you just want to hear the story of a devoutly religious man and how he applies his faith to everyday life. |
 | Quiet Strength Feb 13, 2008 |
I have to say this book was one of the best books written and I am not a big sports fan as my husband. But Tony did such a wonderful job opening up his life and making it so vivid that you felt like you were right there with him. Way to go Tony |
 | Quiet Strength ~ The Book Feb 13, 2008 |
I found the book very inspiring ~ I will never watch a Dungy coached football game the same again. |
 | Yeah God Feb 10, 2008 |
Coach Dungy did an awsome job of sharing his faith and the journey he was on with a story that is totally blessed. I am so grateful that he wrote it and will be sharing it with everyone I can. He gives God all the glory and had his circumstances set up where you would have a hard time not believeing that God had given him favor. One of the best books I have ever read and appreciate the life and testimony that Tony put to print. Well done good and faithful servant. |
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