Ten Women Of The Bible [Paperback]
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OverviewWe don’t even know all their names. Some are referred to only by their nationality, such as the “Samaritan” Woman or the “Canaanite” Woman. Some are known only by the place where they lived, such as Mary of Bethany or Mary Magdalene. Some would become queens, like Esther and Abigail, while others, like Rahab, would live on the fringes of society. One would give birth to a nation (Sarah), and one would give birth to the Messiah (Mary). And while they lived in a society in which the contributions of women were often overlooked, their actions stood out to the writers of Scripture. As we study their lives, we find important truths that God wants us to grasp.
In this 10-lesson workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite accounts of these women in the Bible.
Stories include:
Sarah: Kingdom of the Absurd
Rahab: Checkered Pasts
Abigail: Barbaric Behavior
Esther: Touching the King’s Heart
Mary: Calamities of the Common Scale
The Samaritan Woman: Two Tombstones
The Canaanite Woman: Why God Smiles
Mary of Bethany: Risky Love
Mary Magdalene: It’s All Right to Dream Again
Sapphira: Do Good, Quietly
Each lesson includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help readers delve into the stories and apply them to their lives.
Pages 249
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.8" Width: 8.3" Height: 0.5" Weight: 1.3 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date May 3, 2024
ISBN 0310080916 EAN 9780310080916 UPC 025986080914
Availability 96 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:43.
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