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Popular Encyclopedia Of Biblical Prophecy [Hardcover]
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12151 |
OverviewAn authoritative guide to prophecy-related terms, illustrations and timetables of the end times surveys all major prophetic viewpoints, and furnishes thousands of facts about Christ's return and the end times. Publishers DescriptionMore than one-fourth of the Bible was prophetic in nature at the time it was written. And Christ's second coming is mentioned more than 300 times in Scripture. Clearly, God wants us to understand the last days--and what better way to do so than with this trustworthy and easy-to-use encyclopedic guide to Bible prophecy, which provides...a comprehensive overview of prophecy-related terms helpful illustrations that provide graphic pictures and timetables of the end timesinformative surveys of all the major prophetic viewpointsconcise explanations that answer tough questions about Bible prophecy No library is complete without this popular-style resource with over 400 pages filled with thousands of facts about Christ's return and the end times.
Pages 415
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6.1" Height: 1.3" Weight: 1.55 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Oct 25, 2023
Publisher Harvest House Publishers
ISBN 0736913521 EAN 9780736913522
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 11, 2024 09:18.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | great Nov 23, 2006 |
I would give this six stars if I could, it is really really good. One reviewer gave this book one star - he doesn't know what he is talking about: ignore him. | |  | Eschatology From A to Z... Aug 27, 2006 |
Here's a partial list of contents from the alphabetical table of topics:
-70 Weeks of Daniel -666 -1000 Years -144,000 -Abomination of Desolation -Abrahamic Covenant ... -Demons and Unclean Spirits -Dispensationalism -Dispensations -Elders (24) -Eschatology -Eternal Life -Ezekiel, Eschatology of -False Prophet ... -Isaiah, Eschatology of -Israel in Prophecy -James, Eschatology of -Jeremiah, Eschatology of ... -Midtribulationism -Millenial Sacrifices -Millenial Temple -Millenial Views ... -Trumpet of God -Typology -Vengeance ... -World Empire -Wrath of God -Wrath of the Lamb -Zechariah, Eschatology of
Since the book is an encyclopedia not a polemic (unlike other LaHaye and Ice books), it reports/describes, rather than advocates for the authors' particular endtimes view (pre-trib, pre-mil dispensationalist). It's a helpful book for those who know what they're looking for; otherwise, to read this alphabetical reference from start to end, as if it were a narrative, might seem random or confusing. | |  | Informative Aug 6, 2006 |
This book is written by several authors and gives varying opinions on the topics of Bible Prophecy. I found the book informative and consider it a must have. I find myself picking this book up to read many times a week. It is not a read from front to back type of book as it is an encyclopedia and arranged by topics. I have purchased one and gave it to a pastor who will be doing a study at my church but I missed the book so much that I purchased one again to keep for myself. The authors provide Biblical scriptures as references to prove points and I must say I can actually talk about The Revelation and other Bible prophecies in the gospels now with some knowledge. | |  | Why continue to be deceived... Jun 26, 2006 |
Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins, and others in the Pre-Trib circle, such as Ed Hindson, Tommy Ice, Chuck Missler, etc., continue to put forth the same deceptions that Hal Lindsey popularized decades ago. The notion of a pre-tribulation rapture is foreign to scripture, it is foreign to the teachings of the early Church, and it is grooming the Church for destruction through ignorance and lack of preparation for what is really coming. These men are novices and not prophecy "experts" or "scholars" by any stretch of the imagination; they are those who tickle the ears of gullible Christians. Why continue to be deceived? Tim Cohen, in his excellent book, "The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea," provides biblically sound and testable evidence to show that the coming AntiChrist is known NOW. Not only that, the same author (Tim Cohen) has now put out the strongest presentation on the whole issue of the rapture EVER offered to the saints of God in Christ: "The REAL Rapture". If you really want to know the truth about the timing of the coming rapture, then you need to hear Tim Cohen's "The REAL Rapture" (based on a volume in his forthcoming "Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period" series (see Prophecy House's web site, prophecyhouse dot com, for details on these items). | |  | Very good reference Feb 11, 2006 |
As the name implies, this is an encyclopedic reference for Scriptural prophesy. In the front of the book is a list of topics (table of contents) of all 140+ topics discussed, and then an index of charts. A short introduction from LaHaye and Hindson follows that discusses the need for such a book. Topics are then laid out in alphabetical order and covers topics from all prophetic writings in Scripture, not just those found in Revelation.
This book hails from the Pretribulational-Premillenial standpoint, as do LaHaye's writings. It is key to know this in purchasing this book. He defines and critiques other views, such as Post-Tribulation Rapture and Amillenialism.
This is a superb book for reference regarding literal-exegetical prophetic teachings and a basic discussion of allegorical alternative views. This is not a book for the theologian, as the title also aptly states (the POPULAR Encyclopedia...), and is great for the beginning student or the teacher of prophetic theologies. | | Write your own review about Popular Encyclopedia Of Biblical Prophecy
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