Bible For Dummies [Paperback]
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OverviewOffers a guide on how to read sections of the Old and New Testaments, gives advice on how to apply the wisdom of the Bible to everyday life, and provides tips on how to find passages on a range of topics.
Publishers DescriptionNinety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it's the most widely read book, it's also the least understood. Regardless of your religion, understanding the Bible brings much of Western art, literature, and public discourse into greater focus--from Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" painting to the Wachowski brothers' "The Matrix" movies. People have historically turned to religion to deal with tragedy and change, and with the right insight, the Bible can be an accessible, helpful guide to life's big questions.
"The Bible For Dummies" appeals to people of all faiths, as well as those who don't practice any particular religion, by providing interfaith coverage of the entire Bible and the often fascinating background information that makes the Bible come alive. You'll find answers to such questions as: Where did the Bible come from?Who wrote the Bible?How is the Bible put together?
Follow the history of the Bible from its beginning thousands of years ago as tattered scrolls to its status as the bestseller of all time. "The Bible For Dummies" covers these topics and more: Ten people in the Bible you should knowThe Hebrew BibleThe Apocrypha's hidden treasuresWhat's new about the New TestamentIsrael's wisdom, literature, and love poetryThe Bible's enduring influenceThe prophets: more than fortunetellers
Discover the world's all-time bestseller in an entirely new light. Whether you're interested in broadening your spiritual horizons, uncovering the symbolism of Western culture, or gaining a deeper understanding of the book you grew up reading, "The Bible For Dummies" has all the information you need to navigate this ancient and fascinating book.
Pages 408
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.25" Width: 7.44" Height: 0.93" Weight: 1.45 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
Publisher John Wiley And Sons
ISBN 0764552961 EAN 9780764552960
Availability 2 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 08, 2024 07:39.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Jeffrey Geoghegan, PhD and Michael Homan, PhD have authored and coauthored numerous books and articles about the Bible.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | For those who are busy Mar 29, 2007 |
I have tried to read the bible straight thru and never suceeded--life came at me in many directions. After 3 years of trying, i gave up and bought the bible for dummies. This book helped me UNDERSTAND the bible, not only read the words, both equally important in my opinion. Once i started reading this book, time opened up for me and i read it in a matter of 2 weeks! I couldn't put it down--the more i learned, the more i wanted to know and keep learning. I intend to reread it because for the first time in the 4 years i have been a christian, i truly understand the religion. I would recommend this book for everybody no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. Good luck and God Bless |
 | Good to have Mar 26, 2007 |
Even though I study the Bible regularly, this helps pull a lot of the key things together.
Great refresher or for the beginner it will get you right on track! |
 | Interesting, funny, and understandable guide to the Bible Jan 17, 2007 |
Both my husband and I have enjoyed reading The Bible for Dummies. It is like the Cliffs Notes version of the Bible -- making it understandable without having to attend a theology class! |
 | Very helpful book Jan 10, 2007 |
The Bible for Dummies is easy to read, easy to understand, long on facts and helpful explanations, short on opinions and interpretations, and very helpful overall. I highly recommend this book. Its insightful writing has generated several good discussions with my Bible study group. |
 | Easy reading, lots of information spoon-fed .... Jan 5, 2007 |
I read most of this book that was assigned in an Old Testament course that was sponsored by my church (an Episcopal church in VA). The book summarizes a lot of information compactly. The negatives are that the authors try too hard to inject humor, using allusions that may seem dated in a few years. Nevertheless, it is a very "user-friendly" way to learn what scholars & historians have concluded about how the Bible was compiled. |
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