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Raising Responsive Children: A Bible Study for Moms (Following God) [Paperback]
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OverviewSUBTITLE: A Bible Study For Moms Raising Responsive Children: A Bible Study for Moms is a twelve-week Following God workbook study that addresses a mother's realities and responsibilities in regards to her parenting. Publishers Description" Raising Responsive Children "is for both married and single moms and applies to children of any age. Topics include: who God is and what qualifies Him to be the ultimate Parent; the value of His Son's role in the parenting process; familial burdens and sins that only He can break; parenting to each child's God-designed uniqueness; exercising creative discipline such as natural and created consequences; five common challenges moms face in the parenting process; raising responsive young men and women in today's culture; and the power of prayer to get us through the challenges of the growing up years. A free, downloadable Leader's Guide is available at Judy's website:
Pages 246
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.93" Width: 8.39" Height: 0.52" Weight: 1.28 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Sep 17, 2024
Publisher AMG Publishers
ISBN 0899572383 EAN 9780899572383
Availability 1 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 10, 2024 01:16.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Excellent study - well worth the investment! Jun 12, 2008 |
Words cannot express how much this study has meant to me and how much it's impacted my parenting and my walk with the Lord. It was truly an answered prayer, equipping me with the tools and techniques (all from God's word) that I need to raise my children - from assessing each child's unique traits to disciplining them and evolving in my role as a mom.
I felt helpless before I began this Bible study (inept as a mother and wife) but now I feel encouraged, hopeful, and excited about applying what I've learned. I've learned how to be intentional about parenting God's way and I've learned how to respond appropriately to my kids rather than reacting negatively as I tended to do in the past. I highly recommend this book and I challenge you to invest the time in the study and application - God will move like you never imagined and your family will benefit as a result!
| |  | A great parenting book Jun 4, 2008 |
This is one of the best parenting books I have ever read...and I've read many!!
The author is clear, concise and honest about the common challenges we face as parents in raising our children, and equally forthright in offering up effective Bible-based strategies and solutions.
You learn what God says about parenting issues and where to find that direction in the Bible. You also complete written exercises that help you see your child like God does and examine your own heart to discover what spiritual challenges you face in becoming the best parent you can be.
Ms. Rossi uses humor and passion in her book to underscore that it's not easy, but crucial, to confidently guide our children the way God wants us to, by setting clear parameters of right and wrong, standing firm with consequences, and showering our children, as Christ does with us, with unlimited forgiveness and love.
Be sure to read the accompanying Scriptures and do the work! Your other relationships will benefit as well.
For weary or confused parents seeking answers on how to raise loving, confident children, Raising Responsive Children is a great place to start! | |  | So Impactful! May 14, 2008 |
What a wonderful, Godly Bible study! I can't begin to explain how enlightening and heart-changing this book has been for me. The book's author, Judy Rossi, takes the example of our ultimate parent, God, and brings those principles into real-world parenting. God knows us better than anyone - he created us, and thusly this study challeneged me to get to know my children, to examine them, and to honestly assess what they needed. Some of my answers surprised me. My parenting has been much more deliberate ever since! I loved this study because Rossi shows through scripture why we should not be afraid to discipline, but never forget to be joyful, involved parents who pray for our children constantly. Highly recommended!
| |  | angshwaneenee May 13, 2008 |
Do you have parenting woes? Then this is definately the book for you. But I must warn you, don't pick up this book unless you are prepared to get to the heart of the matter. I had the privilege to be taught by this humble and knowledgeable woman. But even if you are unable to do so this book and its many pearls of wisdom will change your life and the life of your family in a good and mighty way. I know it did mine and it will always be my go to book when I need a refresher! Judy ROCKS!!! | | Write your own review about Raising Responsive Children: A Bible Study for Moms (Following God)
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