20/30 Bible Study for Young Adults Family: Finding Who We Are and How We Belong (20/30: Bible Study for Young Adults) [Paperback]
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OverviewWhat, exactly, is a family? Is it a married couple with 2.3 children, a dog, and a minivan? Couples without children? Single adults? Friends> Church groups? Colleagues? The notion of "family" encompasses these forms and more. In this study, family is shaped and nurtured by our relationship with God, a relationship that encourages mutual growth in love of God, self, and neighbor through our interactions with those whom we identify as "family." This resource helps users explore their questions about family with insights, images, and stories from Scripture. Each session delves into specific issues about family and contains suggestions about how an individual or group can use the session ot look at family form a Christian perspective.
Publishers DescriptionThis 7 session study will explore how contemporary young adult Christians who are either living alone or in a family group may create or contribute to a supportive and nurturing "family" life.
Session titles include: Defining Family--What is a family? The Value of Family--Why should I care about family when I can make it on my own? Tensions between individuality and community, dependence or independence. Is family obsolete? What is the value of "family" for single people, friends, family life. What does it mean to be interdependent? Family and Identity--What does "family" contribute to a person's identity? Do we create and/or inherit our identities? Brokenness in the Family--What do "functional" and "dysfunctional" mean? Characteristics of Healthy Families--What characteristics exist in healthy families who function in a variety of circumstances? Friendships? Two-income families? Long hours of employment? How does contemporary life work for or against family life? Creating Healthy Families--How do families with children (traditional two-parent and single-parent) provide a supportive and nurturing family life for their children? How do couples without children build nurturing family life? How do single people build "family" that is nurturing and supportive? How do communities and institutions contribute to or detract from family life? God's Family--What does it mean to look to "family" as an image of Contemporary Christian life? God as Parent? Mother? Father? Inclusivity? Multicultural? Family members who have passed on? Cloud of witnesses?
To learn about another adult Bible study, see www.livingthegoodlifetogether.com.
Pages 80
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.9" Width: 6" Height: 0.2" Weight: 0.27 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Mar 1, 2024
Publisher Abingdon Church Supplies
ISBN 0687027160 EAN 9780687027163
Availability 76 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 10, 2024 03:05.
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