The Throne, the Lamb & the Dragon: A Reader's Guide to the Book of Revelation [Paperback]
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OverviewPaul Spilsbury has studied Revelation in the company of its best interpreters, those who have taken the time to enter the minds of the first-century Christians for whom it was originally written. And what he found? Within the central images of a throne, a lamb and a dragon lies the answer. The gospel clearly proclaimed. The glory of God awesomely illuminated. The work of Christ memorably embodied. The nature of evil hauntingly disclosed. Here is a guide that will help us hear Revelation speak, once again inspiring grateful worship and calling us to costly discipleship.
Publishers DescriptionThe book of Revelation has long intrigued, puzzled and even frightened its readers. Surely it is the most misunderstood book in the Bible. And some faulty interpretations of Revelation are so entrenched in the consciousness of Christians that they are regarded as "gospel truth" and provide riveting plot lines for end-time fiction. But behind the ancient multimedia show that is Revelation lies a message both simple and profound. It is told in a language and grammar of faith that was clearly understood by its first Christian audience. Much as a music video would scarcely have been understood by first-century citizens, though it is immediately understood by youthful audiences today, so we are puzzled by and misread Revelation. Paul Spilsbury has studied Revelation in the company of its best interpreters, those who have taken the time to enter the minds of the first-century Christians for whom it was originally written. And what has he found? Within the central images of a throne, a lamb and a dragon lies the answer-- the gospel clearly proclaimed the glory of God awesomely illumined the work of Christ memorably embodied the nature of evil hauntingly disclosed Here is a guide that will help us hear Revelation speak, once again inspiring grateful worship and calling us to costly discipleship.
Pages 155
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.25" Width: 5.52" Height: 0.55" Weight: 0.44 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Feb 28, 2024
Publisher IVP-InterVarsity Press
ISBN 0830826718 EAN 9780830826711
Availability 70 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:33.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | revelation understood intelligently and carefully Feb 4, 2007 |
this is a splendid and sane little treatment of the main themes and content in the book of revelation. Really helps one to get the main concepts of revelation on many fronts. Scripturally honoring and well thought out. Some other good ones are: Revelation and The End of All Things by Craig Koester and: Breaking The Code by Bruce Metzger. |
 | It's great! Jul 3, 2006 |
I bought two books from this site.com...they both came on time and I'm very happy the way this site handled with the packaging. Overall, I'm very satisfied...however, I wish I don't have to pay that much on shipping and handling, since I live in Canada and there're times the shipping and handling fees are more expensive than the actual cost of the books!! |
 | Understanding what Rev. means by what it meant Apr 20, 2003 |
This is a good, fairly short summary of scholarly analysis of the book of Revelation, solidly grounded in what it meant to those who originally wrote and recopied it. |
 | A Non-dispensational View Jul 27, 2002 |
This short work introduces the reader to another approach to the book of Revelation. It is refreshing because it is based upon a symbolic interpretation. Symbols from the Old Testatment appear in Revelation. Spilsbury uses them to present an interpretaion which views Revelation as not a book of detailed prophecy but one in which the symbols stand for the Church age and the struggle all Christians face. This short work does not fully cover all the questions it raises but opens up a new way of thinking. It is a fast read that left me wanting more. |
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