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In Defense Of Israel [Paperback]
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OverviewHagee guides readers through the Scriptures that explain why Christians need to stand with Israel and the Jews today. In this biblically supported argument, readers encounter a deeply passionate treatise about loving this historic people of God. Publishers DescriptionWhy is the Middle East in such turmoil? Is the modern State of Israel in the plan of God? Can and should Christians do more than pray for Israel? Does God's Word contain instructions to Christians regarding the treatment of Jewish people? In the near-thirty years John Hagee has been a lover of Israel, he has grappled with each of these questions. Most Christians today don't know much about the Jewish faith or the history of the Jewish nation. They don't understand what is truly at stake in the Middle East conflict and why Christians need to do more than just pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They don't know the role they've been called to play in relationship with Israel, and they aren't sure how God feels about Israel today, either. As Hagee guides readers through the scriptures that explain why Christians need to stand with Israel and the Jews today with as much fervor as God does, they will encounter a man deeply passionate about loving this historic people of God. They'll be inspired to take up that same mantle of love and play a part in extending acceptance and favor to the people of Israel, just as God has called them to do.
Pages 207
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.07" Width: 5.91" Height: 0.64" Weight: 0.8 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
ISBN 1599792109 EAN 9781599792101 UPC 9781599792101
Availability 11 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 11, 2024 07:35.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | this is a hogwash book if you don't believe the bible to 100% true, but... Oct 26, 2008 |
if you DO believe the Bible to be the LIVING, BREATHING, WORD of GOD - then this book is dead on!!!!! The only complaint I have about it, which John Hagee admitted himself later, was improper terminology when he stated that Jesus did not come to be the "Messiah" for Israel. This is "technically" inaccurate... Jesus did come to be the "REINING Messiah" here on earth for Israel in His 1st coming, but He DID come to be the "Messiah" over death, hell, and the grave. Jesus WILL, however, come again to be the reining Messiah here on earth, in Israel, at a later date... The BIBLE clearly teaches this... If the reader does not accept this as a fact, then he does not acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God!!!
Just from personal experience over how my life has been blessed this last year, I can testify that Genesis 12:3 is an eternal covenant between the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... Most Jews today DON'T accept Jesus as Messiah; therefore, they, for a time, have been cut off spiritually - this is actually a benefit for us gentiles (those not Jewish in the flesh).
Matthew 25:40, I don't care how it's misquoted in churches, is LITERALLY out of the Greek translation talking about how the gentile nations treated Jesus' "brethern" in the flesh (Jewish people)- not any beggar on the street.
On the flip side, I can absolutely see how, if you DON'T accept the Bible to be God's Word, people hate Jewish people because many of them are wealthy, greedy people... However, it is not for their sake we as Christians should go out of our way to bless them; we should actually bless them out of being selfish on our own part and hold the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to His covenant in Genesis 12:3 and "get our piece of the pie" - to quote a certain presidential candidate!!! | |  | Classic Hagee Oct 13, 2008 |
I really love John HAgee, though I may not agree with all his views he is an awesome crusader for Christ. Many times people disagree with and author and then classify him or her as the that is idiotic-we all wont agree all the time! John Hagee has great sermons and great ethic as a Christian pastor-he is NOT GOD! just a pastor feeding the flock..hte sheep of the pasture of the Ultimate Lamb Of God Jesus Christ.I never looka t any pastor as a all-knowing entity there human like the rest of us! prone to error and mistake-but I love his views on Isreal and the Jews they are indeed the way to find salvation-Jesus said "Salvation is of the Jews" the Jews produced the sinless Son Of The Almighty threw the virgin birth--(by the way those who discredit virgin births need only google the term virgin birth and will see how possible it is! But this was no "ordinary" if you will virgin Birth-this was a pregnancy spawned by the very Spirit of God-anyways..this is a great book-ilove John Hagee!! | |  | Hagee is a christian? Aug 7, 2008 |
Im confused how Hagee, who claims to be a Christian (One who believes that Christ is the only way to Heaven), although he isn't, could believe that Jew's (Who dont believe that Jesus is the Christ) are going to heaven.... | |  | Cultish, Anti-Christian Blasphemy Jul 29, 2008 |
No True Christian would write the heretical things that Cult-leader Hagee has written in this book. Christ not the messiah? Defending those who murdered Jesus? Hagee even implies in this book that God's plan can be defied or worked against by HUMANS! News flash, Hagee: If God is real, then his plan is always and at all times fulfilled, and never at risk of derailing by any mere mortal human.
Hagee needs to stop himself before he does any more damage to the Christian faith and to Israel. This book is shameful and amateurish and worst of all, BLASPHEMOUS. | |  | JUST A MIND BLOWER Jul 4, 2008 |
I have read portions of this book and have never been so informed! I want to thank the author for opening up my eyes to this information and I hope he will let nothing stand in his way of telling the truth. | | Write your own review about In Defense Of Israel
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