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Prophecy 20/20 [Paperback]
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OverviewDr. Chuck Missler's Prophecy 20/20 is a comprehensive, easily digested book that will give you Publishers DescriptionDr. Chuck Missler's Prophecy 20/20 is a comprehensive, easily digested book that will give you a basic understanding of how past events fulfilled biblical prophecy. It provides a strategic grasp of prophecy that equips you to clearly see the "prophetic moment" of current events. Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House, analyzes trends on the geopolitical and technological horizons as well as their implications for the coming years.
Pages 280
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.48" Width: 5.52" Height: 0.78" Weight: 0.65 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Aug 29, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0785218890 EAN 9780785218890 UPC 020049057872
Availability 150 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 02:53.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Wake up call! Mar 22, 2007 |
Chuck Missler doesn't pull any punches with his latest. This book tells you like it is. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in knowing the hard cold truth as to the direction we are heading in this day and age. He is right up there with the likes of John Hagee, Tim Lahaye, Grant Jeffrey, Dave Hunt, Hal Lindsey, Joel Rosenberg, and many others! | |  | Very interesting (& educational) read Mar 20, 2007 |
Now seriously, what could be more alluring and enticing to learn about than our own FATE? Since finding my way (back in mid-90's), this Spiritual journey has developed within me a strong sense of RESPONSIBILITY that grows in leaps and bounds from time to time. Reading PROPHECY 20/20 nudged me forward. This is simply another tool that helped me seek out and utilize TRUTH in a manner that will progress my Faith, while remaining well-grounded and functional in everyday life. PROPHECY 20/20 made things very clear of how to harmonize SCRIPTURE into my daily walk from a HISTORICAL standpoint but more than anything however, this book informed me of "where" we stand in GODs timetable.
PROS: Gained a deeper understanding of the traditional mindset & historical reasoning behind "some" Middle-eastern HATERS. CONS: Invests a bit too much of his personal perspectives on International affairs. | |  | Understand Prophecy and Current Events Nov 18, 2006 |
Chuck has a great deal of theologoical, political, and military insight which is helpful to understanding Bible prophecy. What is this book about? It covers different aspects of current events and endtime beliefs topic by topic in a logical and easy way to learn. I was very impressed with his knowledge about terrorism and the weapons they have or are trying to get. | |  | LIKE CARROTS FOR YOUR ESCHATOLOGICAL INSIGHT Oct 7, 2006 |
PROPHECY 20/20 by Chuck Missler will do for your insight into Bible prophecies about world events what carrots will do for your eyesight. It's been said that eating lots of carrots will improve your vision, and I believe it: ever seen a rabbit seeing an optometrist? See? Well, I think PROPHECY 20/20 will also help you to see where we currently stand on God's timeline. And I'll tell you right now what time I think it is: I think we're about to get that "wake up call"; I think the alarm clock is about to blare; I think it's later than you think. Anyone who believes that all is well with the world is dreaming...but not for long! We're about to wake up to a nightmare!
When one has read as many books on Bible prophecy about the End-Times as I have, they reach a point of diminishing returns. I thought, Do I really need to read another book on this subject? Well, I'm glad I did because Chuck Missler's PROPHECY 20/20 is so up-to-date, and Missler always organizes his material in such a logical fashion. I even learned a few more very important things - not bad for an old dog, eh? This is the fourth Missler book I've mentally digested and each one has been a memorable meal.
PROPHECY 20/20 will give you a sharp overview of past Biblical prophecies fulfilled and then explore those yet to come. And I strongly urge you to dig in now because that light you see at the end of the tunnel (if you've got your eyes open at all) is indeed an oncoming train!
Did you know that an Old Testament Bible prophecy certifiably written at least three hundred years before the birth of Christ foretold the EXACT DAY He would ride that donkey into Jerusalem and proclaim Himself the King of Israel? Did you know that an EMP attack could, in a matter of minutes, blast the United States back into the 1800s? (Do you know what an EMP attack is?) Did you know that Allah is not the Arabic name for God, but is the proper name for the moon god, and that's why the crescent moon adorns mosques throughout the world? Did you know that three thousand slave labor camps in China are presently exploiting tens of millions of slave labor prisoners to produce much of the $45 billion in Chinese goods imported by America, and that America still designates China as a "Most Favored Nation Trading Partner"? And did you think that America won't answer to God for this?
Although PROPHECY 20/20 examines far more than just America's place in the End-Times scenario, one of the things I most appreciated about this book was chapter 26, The American Challenge. Many Christian preachers and writers love to extol the virtues of The United States; they lay it on thick about how we're the last bastion of freedom, the warriors for Christ on the globe, the conscience and the example for the rest of the world, and all that other hogwash! Missler is one writer who doesn't shy away from pouring the truth straight out of the vial:
Where is the most dangerous place for an American to be? In his/her mother's womb; there's a one in four chance of being murdered. Over the last 30 years the United States has experienced a: 560% increase in violent crime; 400% increase in illegitimate births; 400% increase in the divorce rate; 300% increase in single-parent homes; 200% increase in teenage suicides; and a 75% DROP in S.A.T. scores. The deterioration of each of these indicators - and dozens of others - can be traced to the year we outlawed The Bible from our schools. Think God might have something to say to us about all this?
One area in which Missler and I disagree is the identity of "that great city Babylon" which is utterly destroyed in Revelation's 18th chapter. He is looking for a reemergence to world power of the original Babylon in Iraq. One reason (among many) I am sure New York City is "that great city Babylon" is that the 18th chapter of Revelation clearly marks her as a major seaport. This could hardly describe Iraq's Babylon! I'm as sure as I can be that either New York City is "Babylon" or else the End-Times are still 100 years or more into the future because it would probably require that much time for another city to attain the wealth and influence described in Revelation 18. I believe just as strongly, however, that we now stand on the edge of "The End." But as with all Bible prophecy, a "wait and see" attitude is the most prudent. (Although Missler's observation on page 238 that the United Nations may be seeking to relocate itself out of New York "for a number of reasons" certainly doesn't hurt my case any!)
I highly recommend Chuck Missler's PROPHECY 20/20. This book, along with END-TIME PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE by David Haggith, may be the only two you really need on this subject.
I'll end with the Billy Graham quote found on page 245: "If God doesn't judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
| |  | Enthusiastically Encourage Wide Distribution of This Book.... Sep 19, 2006 |
The brilliance of Missler's PROPHECY 20/20 is in its organization--rather than take a past, present, future approach, Missler first peruasively presents prophecy as a testable authenticator of God and the Bible (rather than speculation), then examines the fulfillments of prophecy past, skips the present to review prophecy future, and only at this point returns to analyze prophecy present, geopolitical trends and events. This approach is ingenious because of the logical progression built in the reader's mind, since upon reaching Missler's final section "Prophecy Present: Where Are We Now?," the reader has already developed confidence, even awe, in the Bible's prophetic track record plus he's been informed of the ultimate destination of God's prophetic plan, so that when the author hits the reader with 160 pages of geopolitical/current events point after point, the reader readily recognizes how so much of the stage is set for the coming tribulation and Second Coming that it's hard to imagine forestalling these events much longer. Specific prophecy topics covered include Israel, the Book of Daniel, Hermeneutics (interpretation), the Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation, the "Harpazo" (rapture), and more common prophecy themes, but they are covered in a nontechnical manner that's clear, biblical, and exciting, making this a great book for gift-giving or an entry into prophecy book. The book does not get bogged down in scripture or external citations, but for documentation and further study employs footnotes detailed in the book's 13 pages of endnotes. As for the current events topics, they include WMDs, struggle over Jerusalem, Islam, Turkey, the rise of Asia, the European Union, energy, technology, the ecumenical movement, and more. Though this book can build the interest and understanding helpful for academic study of prophecy, in itself it is not an academic, seminarian type book, yet it's not of the other extreme seen today--sloppy, sensationalistic newspaper pop prophecy. PROPHECY 20/20 is the passionate yet responsible culmination of Missler's years of honed teaching ministry to the laity. | | Write your own review about Prophecy 20/20
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