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Strongest Strongs KJV Exhaustive Concordance [Hardcover]
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The most accurate and complete Strong's ever published, the only Strong's compiled and verified by computer technology and has been updated by John Kohlenberger along with James Swanson, the only truly exhaustive concordance to the KJV, and includes the most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries for precise word studies. In this edition, the errors from the original have been corrected and omissions filled in as well as word studies have been simplified and special care has been taken to maximize the thoroughness and ease of use.
* Strong's numbering system for word studies in Greek and Hebrew
* Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes
* Up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries
* Nave's Topical Bible Reference System
* Cross-references to places and names used in Bible translations besides the KJV
* Word counts of every word in the Bible
* Fast-Tab locators help you find your place quickly and easily
* Smythe-sewn binding that opens fully to lay flat
* Maps
* Words of Christ in red
* Clear, easy to read type
* Comprehensive guidance for using The Strongest Strong Publishers DescriptionLike a redwood that towers above all other trees, The Strongest Strong s takes James Strong s classic concordance to unprecedented heights. Reflecting thousands of research hours, custom computer technology, and an exclusive database perfected over twenty years, The Strongest Strong s is packed with features that make it the last word in accuracy and usefulness. No other Strong s concordance can touch it. This is no mere study tool. Destined to become a foundational resource for Bible study the world over, The Strongest Strong s is a landmark in biblical reference works. What Makes This Strong s the Strongest? Rebuilding Strong s time-honored concordance from the ground up, biblical research experts John Kohlenberger and James Swanson have achieved unprecedented accuracy and clarity. Longstanding errors have been corrected. Omissions filled in. Word studies simplified. Thoroughness and ease of use have been united and maximized. Kohlenberger and Swanson have also added the Nave s Topical Bible Reference System---the world s most complete topical Bible, updated, expanded, and streamlined to meet the needs of today s Bible user. No other edition of Strong s or Nave s gives you all the information combined in The Strongest Strong s A Stunning Array of World-Class Features In order to experience all the advantages of The Strongest Strong s, you ll have to look inside. But here is a thumbnail sketch of what awaits you: . Computer-verified accuracy. For the first time ever, cutting-edge computer analysis provides unparalleled, pinpoint accuracy . Strong s numbering system speeds you through word studies, giving you clear insights into Greek and Hebrew words . Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes give you access to the growing library of reference tools that use these numbers---another unique feature . The most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries ensure precise meaning in your word studies . Nave s Topical Bible Reference System supplies the complete descriptive content and references (without the Bible text) of Nave s Topical Bible, expanded to provide a total of more than 100,000 verses indexed by subject, word, phrase, synonym, and example . Cross-references to places and names used in Bible translations besides the KJV . Word counts furnish a complete accounting of every word in the Bible . Fast-Tab locators help you find your place quickly and easily . Smythe-sewn binding opens fully, lays flat, and lasts longer . Words of Christ highlighted in red . Maps . Clear, easy-to-read type PLUS: Comprehensive guidance for using The Strongest Strong s . Major Social Concerns of the Mosaic Covenant . Old Testament Sacrifices . Hebrew Calendar . Hebrew Feasts and Holy Days . Weights, Lengths, and Measures of the Bible . Kings of the Bible . Harmony of the Gospels . Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled in Jesus . Parables of Jesus . Miracles of Jesus . Chronology of the Bible"
Pages 1742
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.28" Width: 8.6" Height: 1.9" Weight: 4.6 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Sep 4, 2024
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
Age 18
ISBN 0310233437 EAN 9780310233435 UPC 025986233433
Availability 13 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 12, 2024 09:36.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Outstanding!!! Mar 30, 2007 |
I enjoy my book because everything I need to find in the Bible, it is there. I just love the Greek and Hebrew meanings as well! | |  | Probably the best concordance on the market Mar 29, 2007 |
The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. ISBN 0310259088. Please note: the ISBN given is for the REGULAR PRINT version, not the large print.
The concordance is the most basic tool of Bible study, aside from the Bible itself. It has two primary uses: finding verses and doing word studies.
The first use is pretty simple: you know a word or two of a verse but you can't remember where to find it. So you look up the word in the concordance, which lists the most common verses in the Bible which contain that word, and choose the right one. (A concordance which calls itself "exhaustive" lists every single verse in the Bible containing a particular word.)
The second use is more complicated. Let's say you want to know about how the Bible uses the word "song." First, take the concordance and look up the English. Under the headword "song" are three columns: the first with the book and verse number, the second with a brief excerpt from the verse, the third with a four-digit number. It looks something like this:
Ex 15:1 the children of Israel this s unto 7892 Ex 15:2 The Lord is my strength and s, and he is 2176 ~ Rev 5:9 And they sung a new s, saying, Thou art 5603
And the list goes on. The number stands for the Hebrew or Greek word which was translated by the English word "song." In the back of your concordance are very short Hebrew and Greek dictionaries; if the verse is in the Old Testament, look it up in the Hebrew dictionary; if the verse is in the New Testament, look it up in the Greek one. Using the list above, we find that 7892 is the Hebrew word "shir"; 2176 is the Hebrew word "zimrat"; and 5603 is the Greek word "ode." After you read the definitions, you'll know more about the word "song" as used in the Bible.
Now for this particular concordance, which Zondervan somewhat pompously calls "The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible," by James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D.; Fully Revised and Corrected by John R. Kohlenberger III and James A. Swanson." The windiness of the title and the deplorable pun, however, do not detract from its immense usefulness it includes not only the exhaustive concordance itself, but revised Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, Nave's Topical Bible, and "Additional Features," which include a Hebrew calendar, a Harmony of the Gospels, Messianic Prophecies, a chart of Jesus' parables, and a chronology of Bible events.
The cover says that this concordance is "The only Strong's compiled and verified by computer technology." That's nice, but it probably won't make that much difference to the average user. Be warned: it means what it says about "exhaustive." The "Index of Articles, Conjunctions, Particles, Prepositions, and Pronouns," which immediately follows the main body of the concordance, informs us that the conjunction "and" appears exactly 51,713 times in the KJV. Every single word of the Bible is in this concordance.
A typical entry looks like this:
YOKED (1) [YOKE] 2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally y together with 2086
YOKED is the headword. (1) means that YOKED occurs only one time in the entire KJV. [YOKE] means that the word YOKE is a good word to look up if you're interested in YOKED. Unfortunately I cannot represent in plain text that "unequally y together" is in bold, meaning that a single Greek word (No. 2086) stands for what the KJV renders "unequally yoked together." This excellent practice is followed throughout the concordance: whenever one Greek word is translated by multiple English words, the English words are in bold font. Whenever one English word stands for multiple Greek words, the entry looks like this:
YESTERDAY (9) [DAY] Ps 90:4 thy sight are but as y when it is past, 865+3117
This Strong's is based on the KJV, or the Authorised Version. Most of the time that won't be a drawback, but every now and then you won't be able to find a verse because the KJV uses some English word common in the seventeenth century but has since passed out of common usage, such as "bullock." The editors of this concordance judiciously preserved the italics with which the KJV translators signified words they inserted which were not in the Greek or Hebrew.
Many reviewers have mentioned the light print and the thin pages. I haven't found it a problem, but my eyes are only about eighteen years old, so I'm probably not the best judge. Incontrovertibly, the print quality is light-years superior to other editions of Strong's which have been photographically reproduced from editions published early in the last century; and so look rather messy. Avoid them! This Strong's is completely new, and so the printing technology is modern. But if the type really is too small for you, I believe there's a large-print edition available. As one reviewer said, the lay-flat binding is exquisite. Zondervan did a great job producing such a bulky book.
This concordance uses James Strong's numbering system, which is over a hundred years old and somewhat obsolete. I really don't think most users will find this a problem. The only people who might find it annoying are those who have studied Hebrew and Greek; and those people use BDB and BDAG (the standard Hebrew and Greek lexicons), not the dictionaries in a concordance!
For those who have no or little knowledge of the Biblical languages, I think this is the best concordance on the market. If you don't like using the KJV, get Zondervan's The Strongest NIV Exhaustive Concordance or The Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance; I believe they're very similar to the Strongest Strong's. | |  | A Wonderful Tool Nov 6, 2006 |
I am so glad that I bought this book. I have always heard in my bible studies about this book, so I decided to get it, and I am so glad that I did. Strong's Concordance is a wonderful guide to help you study the bible even further.
I strongly recommend this book if you want to go deeper into learning what the Lord has to say in His Word. Be Blessed!!! :-) | |  | The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Value Price: 21st Century Edition (Strongest Strong's) Nov 4, 2006 |
This book is a great reference tool to the Bible. | |  | I Wouldn't Be Without This Concordance Aug 20, 2006 |
In my opinion "The "Strong's Concordance" is the best concordance on the market. It works best with either the "King James" or "New King James" Versions of the Bible. Loving to stday Scripture and write I have many referance books. I use my "Strong's Concordance" and my "American Dictionary of the Enligh Language: Noah Webster's 1828 Edition" more than all the rest of my referance books put together. The Concordance's Greek and Hebrew Dictionary's are a faantastic aid to Scripture study. Along with my 1928 Webster's Dictionary, I use them constantly.The "Strongest Strongs" is the edition I own and highly recommend. | | Write your own review about Strongest Strongs KJV Exhaustive Concordance
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