Every Prophecy Of The Bible [Paperback]
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OverviewEvery Prophecy of the Bible brings clear answers to more than 1,000 key prophecies, backed with solid Scriptural evidence. As people watch world events unfold, biblical prophecy becomes a subject of intense interest. Noted biblical scholar Dr. John F. Walvoord covers each prophecy from Genesis through Revelation, giving detailed insight into the many prophecies that have been fulfilled, as well as those that are still to come. By placing each event into historical context, the author gives insight about how the past, present and future fit together into an amazing, divine design. An excellent reference guide for those seeking answers, this comprehensive book reassures readers that God's master plan is to be trusted and that the Bible is an accurate source of hope for all Christian believers.
Publishers DescriptionUnprecedented natural disasters, political uprisings, and economic uncertainty: The Bible predicted it all. Now you can understand it--and know what's coming next.
As we watch world events unfold, biblical prophecy becomes a subject of intense interest. "Every Prophecy of the Bible" brings clear answers to more than 1,000 key prophecies, backed with solid Scriptural evidence. Noted biblical scholar Dr. John F. Walvoord covers each prophecy from Genesis to Revelation, giving detailed insight into the many prophecies that have been fulfilled, as well as those that are still to come. By placing each event into historical context, the author gives insight into how the past, present, and future fit together to form an amazing, divine design.
An excellent reference guide for those seeking answers, this comprehensive book reassures readers that God's master plan is to be trusted and that the Bible is an accurate source of hope for all Christians.
Pages 667
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9" Width: 6" Height: 1.8" Weight: 2 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Sep 15, 2024
Publisher David C. Cook
ISBN 143470386X EAN 9781434703866
Availability 13 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:32.
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