Daniel & Revelation Secrets Of [Paperback]
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OverviewThe Biggest Evangelism Resource of 2013 All-new, full-color, 84-page magazine on Daniel & Revelation! This chapter-by-chapter, easy-to-follow guide through the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation features stunning contemporary artwork and historical images and facts that reveal the true mysteries of prophecy in staggering detail and clarity. Unleash the mysteries of Bible prophecy by first understanding the book of Daniel; then take the knowledge of Daniel and unlock the secrets of Revelation. This magazine has been designed especially for sharing to the audiences of today-a brand-new evangelism tool for churches, schools, friends, and neighbors ... over 20 million people search each month for "How will the world end?" You know one of them, and now you can give them the answer! Daniel and Revelation reveals God's true plans for the future.
Publishers DescriptionThe Biggest Evangelism Resource of 2013 All-new, full-color, 84-page magazine on Daniel & Revelation This chapter-by-chapter, easy-to-follow guide through the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation features stunning contemporary artwork and historical images and facts that reveal the true mysteries of prophecy in staggering detail and clarity. Unleash the mysteries of Bible prophecy by first understanding the book of Daniel; then take the knowledge of Daniel and unlock the secrets of Revelation. This magazine has been designed especially for sharing to the audiences of today--a brand-new evangelism tool for churches, schools, friends, and neighbors ... over 20 million people search each month for "How will the world end?" You know one of them, and now you can give them the answer Daniel and Revelation reveals God's true plans for the future.
Pages 82
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 10.4" Width: 7.8" Height: 0.3" Weight: 0.4 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Jun 11, 2024
ISBN 1580195121 EAN 9781580195126
Availability 107 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:32.
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