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Where To Find It In The Bible [Paperback]
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16922 |
OverviewA topical concordance provides access to today's issues and topics such as diet, credit cards, jewelry, outer space, and shopping Publishers DescriptionLocate specific Bible references to over 3,700 contemporary subjects with this Ultimate A to Z Resource. "Where to Find it in the Bible" is a unique topical concordance that helps you find biblical passages that apply to traditional and 21st-century topics.
Features: Readily accessible Works with many translationsEasy to apply information
Pages 578
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.08" Width: 6.48" Height: 1.57" Weight: 1.9 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Apr 24, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0785211578 EAN 9780785211570 UPC 020049011577
Availability 118 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 07:37.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Very Useful Feb 4, 2007 |
I have a ministry for young girls and I use this book constantly. It provides me with location for the modern topics that we discuss in the ministry. My 16 year old daugther loves it when she has a question and wants to know what the word says she grabs this book. This book is great for young adults and those who have young adults in their lives. | |  | I love this book! Jan 26, 2007 |
This book is very helpful. It saves a great deal of time by telling you where in the Bible you can find scriptures about virtually anything! Would recommend to EVERYONE! | |  | Artistic Expression? Apr 10, 2006 |
The author of this book has certainly taken his liberties with it. I bought it, thinking it would be something nice to have around, for reference. And granted, there are many great resources in it, such as where to find references to 'Eviction', 'Cattle' etc.
However, the serious fallacies and mistranslations in this book are staggering. They outweigh any good things about it. Anyone who reads this book is going to read that 'Lent' is listed in the Bible, as well as 'Sunday' being 'a' or 'THE' Sabbath, and that Easter is the same as Passover.
I would not recommend this, and will most likely return it. Mr. Anderson needs to expose himself to a Strong's Concordance. Then maybe I'll considering purchasing and/or recommending anything he writes. | |  | "They Sayers" Jan 14, 2005 |
This book is often used in our house hold for the "They Sayers." You know the ones that say, "They say this is in the Bible, that is in the Bible." It has prevented many an argument before they ever started. | |  | Mordern terms in Bible Sep 21, 2001 |
You can find out mordern terms from the Bible by this Reference Book. Of course, the terms are not exactly the same as in the Bible. But the author does a good job to make reference the concept of the mordern terms (e.g.VISA) in the Bible. | | Write your own review about Where To Find It In The Bible
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