Daniel Revisited [Paperback]
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6747642 |
OverviewDaniel Revisited makes the case that the ancient book of Daniel reveals four specific events to occur in the Middle East in the end times prior to the Tribulation. This new look at old assumptions about prophecy and plain reading of Scripture combines a comprehensive study of relevant history with the fresh perspective of today’s current events. Not only does it show that the Antichrist will be Muslim, it also identifies four events the author calls Signposts which will occur in a series leading right up to the Tribulation. The first event involving Iraq has already occurred. The second of the four events will be the invasion of the whole Middle East by Iran. The fourth event will witness the Antichrist's emergence.
Pages 299
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9" Width: 6" Height: 0.8" Weight: 0.74 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Jan 26, 2024
ISBN 0718081137 EAN 9780718081133
Availability 10 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:32.
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