Stepping Up Video Series Workbook [Paperback]
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OverviewDig deeper into what it means to step up and live a courageous life with Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Living Video Series. Based on his book by the same title, Dennis Rainey, along with Matt Chandler, Bill Bennett, Robert Lewis, Voddie Baucham, Stu Weber, Mark Driscoll, James MacDonald, Joshua Harris, Eric Metaxas, Crawford Loritts, and 10 other ministry leaders unpack what biblical manhood looks like and what it means to be a godly, courageous man in today's world. Through engaging stories, expert teaching, humorous vignettes, man-on-the-street interviews, and personal insights, these men's ministry leaders call every man to become courageous leaders in their own lives, marriages, churches, and communities. Accompanied by small-group discussion and individual follow-up exercises, men of every age will learn action tools for gospel-centered living to empower them to be true heroes in their families and communities. Essential for the small-group study experience, the workbook correlates to the 10 video sessions and provides additional thought-provoking content, small-group discussion questions, and three days of follow-up exercises for men to finish on their own. As they progress through the study, men will also capture a few key thoughts from each session that will comprise a Stepping Up Plan-a personal action plan to keep them focused on "stepping up" to manhood. For men who desire further study, additional readings from the Stepping Up book are suggested in "Read More About It" sections.
Weight: 0.7 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
Publisher Family Life
ISBN 1602005664 EAN 9781602005662
Availability 163 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:20.
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