Prophets Handbook [Paperback]
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Overview"Shows the place and role of prophets in the church today and explains how to establish a prophetic company"--Provided by publisher.
Publishers DescriptionThe prophetic gifts are still operating today. Discover God's divine plan for them and how they are meant to benefit and not hinder the body of Christ. The Prophet's Handbook details the roles and duties of the prophetic in the church and clearly explains its necessity. As an indispensable reference, this comprehensive text is something no church leader should be without. Dr. Paula Price intelligently and skillfully explains the function and responsibilities of local church prophets and those who prophesy. Her years of research and ministry have led to the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. You will: Discover how God awakens, calls, grooms, and produces excellent prophets See how prophets differ from psychics and how prophecy exceeds divination Get answers to the most common prophetic questions that people ask Recognize budding prophets in the church and train, regulate, and use them prudently
Community DescriptionProphets are still operating today. Discover God's divine plan for them and how they are meant to benefit and not hinder the body of Christ. The Prophet's Handbook details the roles and duties of the prophetic in the church and clearly explains its necessity. As an indispensable reference, this comprehensive text is something no church leader should be without. Dr. Paula Price intelligently and skillfully explains the function and responsibilities of local church prophets. Her years of research and ministry have led to the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church.
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Pages 398
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9" Width: 6" Height: 1.1" Weight: 1.4 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
Publisher WHITAKER #54
ISBN 1603740198 EAN 9781603740197
Availability 993 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 11:32.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Prophets Hand Book Sep 7, 2008 |
I have very much enjoyed my book its in perfect condition exactly like it was stated. They were super to do business with. A real blessing. Thanks for the great experance. Vickie |
 | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Prophetic....... Sep 6, 2008 |
But didn't know WHO to ask. This book is a must have for every member of the Body of Christ. I have ordered more copies of this book and given them away that any other book I've ever read!! Where was this book 10 years ago? Dr. Price lays out everything from A-Z that deals with the prophetic and its role in today's church. If you want to go higher and deepen your understanding of the prophetic and its function, then this book is for you. Don't forget to get the companion The Prophet's Dictionary too. |
 | The Prophet's Handbook Aug 24, 2008 |
I really enjoyed this book and the divine insight I acquired from reading it. I have always wanted to know about the prophetic ministry and this book answered most of those questions. I would recommend this book to all who seek more of God and his prophetic minsitry. |
 | A must have for all Prophets Jul 21, 2008 |
Not only is this book a must-have for Prophets, but it will give other offices insight into what the function of a Prophet is, how they operate and for what purpose.
If you are a Prophet, or want to understand Prophetic language, you should also get her other book, The Prophet's Dictionary.
 | Cool Jun 15, 2008 |
This book is the former title 'Church Prophets' with a little more added to it. It is a very good book. It is a must have for prophets/pastors and those desiring to have a deeper comprehension and understanding of the prophet, the prophetic and distinguishing it from the occult. It gives practical guidelines that encourage proper protocol and parameters for safe operation as the pastor opens the members that they have rule over in the Lord to the ministry of the Prophet. It's full of revelation and i recommend it highly. |
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