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Epic Of Eden [Paperback]
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OverviewDoes your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events and ideas? Sandra Richter gives an overview of the Old Testament, organizing our disorderly knowledge of the Old Testament people, facts and stories into a memorable and manageable story of redemption that climaxes in the New Testament. Publishers DescriptionDoes your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events and ideas? How many times have you resolved to really understand the OT? To finally make sense of it? Perhaps you are suffering from what Sandra Richter calls the "dysfunctional closet syndrome." If so, she has a solution. Like a home-organizing expert, she comes in and helps you straighten up your cluttered closet. Gives you hangers for facts. A timeline to put them on. And handy containers for the clutter on the floor. Plus she fills out your wardrobe of knowledge with exciting new facts and new perspectives. The whole thing is put in usable order--a history of God's redeeming grace. A story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem. Whether you are a frustrated do-it-yourselfer or a beginning student enrolled in a course, this book will organize your understanding of the Old Testament and renew your enthusiasm for studying the Bible as a whole.
Pages 263
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 8.9" Width: 6" Height: 0.7" Weight: 1 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Nov 20, 2023
Publisher IVP Academic
ISBN 0830825770 EAN 9780830825776
Availability 3900 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 10:04.
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1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Criticism & Interpretation > Old Testa [1604 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > General [10297 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Old Testament > Study [3032 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Old Testament [0 similar products] |
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great for a Religiously Diverse Group of People May 24, 2010 |
I recently used this book as the guide for a group of Agnostic, Jewish, Christian, and other folks that met in a bar to discuss the Origins of Monotheism. It received two thumbs up from every member. They all appreciated the clearly articulated depth of research and the overall ease of comprehension through the unveiling of a contextual framework. Now all of them are able to grasp the legendary Biblical stories as part of a larger pattern revealing an even deeper significance for the tales individually. Having completed the book, they are all much closer to understanding their own origins and how they relate to God's activity in the present. In other words, they were all able to see themselves as an ongoing part of the Epic of Eden. | |  | Enjoyable Learning ! Dec 24, 2009 |
This book is an exceptional treaty of epic inclusiveness. Dr. Sandra Richter has enriched my impenetrable dementia and unethical deranged closet of Biblical Theological ineptness. She has helped bring my closet into a neat order of hangers and boxes tuck away very fashionably. It is now easy to pull out what's needed knowing the surrounding material which has been put in an understandable compositional sequence. Watch out, this work is knocking at the door of books by Dr. Graeme Goldsworthy, Dr. T. Desmond Alexander and Dr. George E. Ladd. | |  | EXCELLENT resource for understanding the Bible as ONE STORY Dec 13, 2009 |
About ten years ago, I began to understand the Bible as one complete story organized around God's desire of creating and calling to Himself a people for His own possession. "I will be their God; they will be My people" is "the Bible's story" start to finish. As a result, I wrote a children's book entitled "What God Has Always Wanted" which gives parents a way of explaining the "big idea" of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to their children. "The Epic of Eden" takes this basic idea and fleshes it out in a thoroughly biblical and yet easily understood way. I cannot think of a book that is more helpful or necessary than this one if you want to understand the storyline of the Bible. Don't even think about it--order it now!!! | |  | A profound biblical theology of redemption Jun 26, 2009 |
Dr. Richter offers a straightforward solution to the underlying problem that most Christians have: a lack of understanding concerning the origins of our faith. Her analogy of a disorganized closet in need of organization is brilliantly useful and appropriate and her assessment of the average Christians' understanding of the Old Testament is correct. It's a primordial soup of names, geographical locations, historical facts, and figures that are categorically and chronologically unorganized. Thus, the book The Epic of Eden is Dr. Richter's attempt to organize our respective closets.
The main thrust of her book is encapsulated with her biblical theological approach to the Bible as a whole. In the first sentence of her introduction she writes, "The Bible, in all its parts, is intended to communicate to humanity the realities of redemption" (Richter, 15). Hence, every part of the Bible, whether narrative, law, poetry, gospels, epistles, etc. has the overarching story of redemption. According to Dr. Richter, the Bible is about God's redemption story. Therefore, all the books of the Bible all relate to an overarching history in which God acts to bring redemption to his people. This larger narrative unites both Old and New Testaments, thus demonstrates the continuity of the Scriptures.
Dr. Richter also communicates that the story of redemption has direction. In other words, the story starts at the beginning and moves forward in a developing and progressive manner until it reaches its conclusion. Each part is set against the background of what has gone before and is preparing the way for what comes after. For the author, this background is Genesis 1 and 2. Genesis 1, particularly, is the lens in which the entire Pentateuch is to be read. "And since the Pentateuch is the backbone of the entire Bible, ultimately Genesis 1 serves as the introduction to our faith" (Richter, 94). The entire Bible rests upon the Pentateuch, for it's the beginning of the story of redemption. In dealing with redemption, one must focus upon the use of the paradigm of Eden and view the entire Bible in light of this story. In other words, redemption involves several aspects: humanity being created perfect and having an uninhibited relationship with God, humanity rebelling against God and enacting the curses, and God's rescue plan to redeem us from the mess we have created.
Some weaknesses of an emphasis on redemption as a Biblical Theology are minimal, but worthwhile to note. Redemption tends to imply that theological reflection on the Bible always proceeds in one direction, namely, from the Old to the New. Does the Old Testament supply the origin of certain traditions in the New Testament and is it the source of all its imagery? A strong case can be made that Biblical Theology of both testaments must issue in theological reflection which also moves in the reverse direction from the New Testament back to the Old.
Lastly, redemption as a Biblical Theology is not insufficient, but the biblical term does denote only one important aspect of salvation. Redemption involves the release of people, animals, or property from bondage through outside help. Only someone strong can redeem another, therefore God is the only one capable to redeem humanity. This, however, as I have stated, is only one aspect of salvation. Redemption is synonymous with salvation, i.e. they have the same connotations and implications, but not exact in essence. A more holistic Biblical Theology would be salvation history in its totality of meaning of all the aspects of salvation considered, not merely redemption. | |  | Awesome book!! Jun 7, 2009 |
as a bible major, practically everything i learned in my courses is all in this one little book. It should be required reading for all Christian Schools... | | Write your own review about Epic Of Eden
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