Our Price $31.19RRP: $39.99 You save: $8.80
Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards are Greek Vocabulary cards that are keyed to Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, have frequency numbers included, and contain principle parts of verbs.
$13.25 RRP: $16.99 You save: $3.74
In order to keep students from becoming discouraged, especially in the beginning stages, the authors have decided to give more vocabulary aid, so students do not have to spend all their time trying to look up words in a dictionary.
$17.93 RRP: $22.99 You save: $5.06
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This Greek grammar text integrates the technical requirements for proper Greek interpretation with the actual interests and needs of Bible Students.
$35.09 RRP: $44.99 You save: $9.90
With this book, readers can learn Hebrew on their own and will find themselves reading meaningful verses from the Hebrew Bible after just two hours of study!
$23.39 RRP: $29.99 You save: $6.60
In this set of two audio CDs, Jonathan T. Pennington reads all the Hebrew words that occur twenty times or more in the Old Testament in descending order of frequency, followed by an English definition.
$18.39 RRP: $22.99 You save: $4.60
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Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it’s the most widely read book, it’s also the least understood.
$17.15 RRP: $21.99 You save: $4.84
These two CDs with booklet enable a person who is taking biblical Greek to work on, by ear as well as through the eyes, all vocabulary words that occur in the New Testament ten times or more.
$18.39 RRP: $22.99 You save: $4.60
This valuable resource goes book by book through the Bible, explaining many customs practiced in Bible times. Not only is it easy to understand, but it is also filled with many helpful illustrations.
$14.03 RRP: $17.99 You save: $3.96
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This series of laminated sheets enables students and pastors to see critical material at a glance and serves them well as they review for tests, for comprehensive exams, and for later on in life.
$5.45 RRP: $6.99 You save: $1.54
This is an all-new analytical Greek lexicon, based on the critical Greek text (UBS3), with Goodrick / Kohlenberger numbers and new grammatical paradigms.
$33.53 RRP: $42.99 You save: $9.46