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Analytical Lexicon To The Greek New Testament [Hardcover]
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36181 |
OverviewThis is an all-new analytical Greek lexicon, based on the critical Greek text (UBS3), with Goodrick / Kohlenberger numbers and new grammatical paradigms. Publishers DescriptionThe Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament was created to aid in the study of the Greek New Testament, using sophisticated computer resources to ensure an accurate, helpful, and in-depth analysis of the word forms that make up the New Testament. Its combination of features sets it apart from all previously published analytical lexicons: . Based on the UBS 3d edition (revised). . Includes both accepted and variant readings . Consistent with today s standard Greek lexicons . Gives the frequency of each inflected form, verse references for forms that occur only once . Includes Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers for all words . Includes principal parts for all verbs . Contains a grammatical section with a discussion of paradigms and explanations as to why paradigms are formed as they are Most significantly, The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is keyed to the author s Morphology of Biblical Greek, which explains in detail why some Greek words follow certain patterns and other Greek words follow seemingly very different patterns. The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is more than a tool for quick reference it provides the Greek student or scholar with an index to another body of literature."
Pages 560
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6.5" Height: 1.7" Weight: 2.2 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
ISBN 0310542103 EAN 9780310542100 UPC 025986542108
Availability 4 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 27, 2024 09:22.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Very good. Mar 9, 2007 |
Found the book quite helpful in finding the Greek word as it exists in the original text and tracing the word back to the original form whether it be a verb or noun. | |  | A Serious Work? Jul 6, 2006 |
The strong point is that it is keyed to Mounce's "Morphology". But I am soooo tired of paying big money for a "serious" reference only to see it printed on cheap paper and with "glue-injected" binding...Just TRY to open this book fully and it will no doubt crack the CHEAP binding. Issued by Zondervan and printed in the U.S.A....Their wonderful A Reader's Greek New Testment, with "folded and stitched folios" binding, and quality slick paper was prined in China...It opens nicely in one's hand...not this stiff-brick. | |  | Great Analytical Lexicon Nov 6, 2002 |
I don't understand the other review here. Perschbacher's analytical lexicon is essentially identical to this one, and contains errors (according to Mounce himself, in a note he sent to the B-Greek list) that are corrected in Mounce's analytical lexicon. As for morphology, you probably can't get much more detailed than Mounce's book by that title -- but that's another work entirely. This book (or SOME up-to-date analytical lexicon) is essential for non-Greek students working from an interlinear, and also very helpful for those who've taken Greek and can't recognize all the forms by sight (WHO CAN!?!?). | |  | Good for Morphological Studies Feb 22, 2000 |
Not for the timid of heart! A good lexicon, esp. for morphological analysis. Try Perschbacher's for parsing and others for semantics. | | Write your own review about Analytical Lexicon To The Greek New Testament
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