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Global Warning: Are We on the Brink of World War III?
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Product Description
From the author of the mega–bestselling Left Behind series Tim LaHaye and prophecy expert Ed Hindson comes a powerful new book on earth’s final hour. For ages people have speculated about how the world will end. How can we discern the real clues from the many false alarms? Prophecy experts Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson bring together ancient Bible prophecies and today’s news headlines to provide a panoramic survey of the final signs that will serve as God’s global warning to the people of all nations. Jesus promised He would someday return to Earth to bring judgment and set up His kingdom, and He even reveals specific details about what will happen. What are those details? What can we expect? Will terrorism, nuclear threats, and the Middle East crisis have a part? Are there other clues we may have missed? A captivating page–turner of a book with an urgent message for Christians and non–Christians alike!
Item Specifications...
Pages 272
Dimensions: Length: 9.2" Width: 6" Height: 0.9" Weight: 1.05 lbs.
Release Date Sep 1, 2024
ISBN 0736921451 EAN 9780736921459 UPC 9780736921459
Availability 0 units. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Global Warning Jul 1, 2009 |
Fantastic book as all of his are. Great tool for explaining prophecy and the scriptures that validate each.
I recommend this book~ | |  | Gobal Warning Dec 14, 2008 |
The book cane in great shape and on time. Did not enjoy the book. | |  | Straight Up Facts!! Face reality or die! Jul 12, 2008 |
I have a number of books which all leads me to reexplore my Bible. The surprising twist in this book is that every time I turn a page, today's current affairs unfolded becomes more and more surreal. I don't panic, but like I've said it gets me to reexplore the Biblical Prophecies. The authors done their research well. I also did not realize one point which is written in this book on page 163 (and in Nehemiah chapter 2) that the Persian emperor was the king who restructured (for the Jews) the Jerusalem Temple after Roman Emperors Vespasian and his son Titus torn down the city and its luxurious temple building. Knowing this bit of history has me wanting to learn more and more about Persia (which is modern day Iran) and why they feel Jerusalem belongs to Islam peoples. From what I've gathered from the Bible, when Father Abraham's wife (Sarah) died, the lands of Canaan were given to Abraham to bury his wife and to keep. Is this fact not considered at all in the Qu'ran (as the lands were given to Abraham as a gift)? If not, and why is it not? (I'm sure this question will open/stoke plenty of fires.) Persians were not considered to be people of Arab. Persians were not at all monotheologians. These people held onto many beliefs like the Egyptians, which is why there are many Iranians who are Christians because they were moved by hearing the historical facts about their nation who came to aid the Jews in restructuring the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem, as well as hearing how G-d Yhwh led the Hebrew children out of Egypt (from bondage). But mostly, the wise men (prior to the birth of Jesus Christ) who lived in northern persia (Iran) and studied God, the stars, suns, moons and planets, were called Zoroastrians. These men went afar to find the child born to the Virgin Mother and deliver goods to the child (who was born in Bethlehem). (See Bereisheis 3:15 and Genesis 3:15, as well as Isaiah 7). These wise men - like Moses, like Abraham, like Elijah, like Enoch - all were guided by G-d Yhwh. The wise men, however from Persia, were well respected because of their remarkable calculations. So we have here a very interesting historical point. The irradicals of Iran believes that Jerusalem is an Islamic City of G-d. There is NO evidence that shows Jerusalem is an Islamic City of G-d. Jerusalem is an Hebrew City of G-d Yhwh. And G-d will show everyone of us soon and very soon that the children of Israel is the sovereigned peoples to keep the lands intact and governed by the G-d Yhwh. The Jews (some) are monotheologians and others are Judeo-Christians. Dito for (some) Arabs. This book is a must read. It is an eye opener as well as a warning to all of us who are in touch with reality. Some of us refuse to listen to the Scriptures and take heed of warnings (shown in the waters, stars, moons, planets, earth etc., as Jesus Christ warned His disciples in Matthew 24). Certainly in Isaiah 52 and 53, the One who was disfigured (for our transgressions, for our sins) is the Messiah (see also Genesis 3:15/Bereisheis 3:15), whom many of us missed in our moment to believe in His Name...Son of God, Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. It can be any day now that we will remarkably witness the rapture!! For those who do not know...the rapture is when G-d Yhwh is commanding His followers into the air and lifted away from the oncoming slaughter of man's evil missions. I highly recommend this book for reading. It should be kept near your bedside, as well as the Holy Bible (written before the reprint of the 21st century). Today, in China, there is a publishing company which reprinted in English and Chinese new Bibles. I don't think these 50 million copies were ever proofread, or checked for accuracies. We are living in the last days of age. The spirit of the antichrist is upon us. One man will rule with an iron fist and instruct the peoples (all nations on earth) to worship him. This is the antichrist --- Satan's prodigy. | |  | The New "Late Great Planet Earth" Apr 2, 2008 |
This book is definitely trying to be the "Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey for the 21st Century but it doesn't quite get there. The book is definitely a real page turner. It is real easy to read no matter what your background is, church goer or not. Any will get something out of this book. One of the authors, Tim Lahaye is the same guy who wrote the Left behind series. You will definitely see the similar styles of writing.
First the author lays out some of the recent events of the past few years. The speed and frequency of these events have definitely dulled some people to what is going on. Once you read about the events and threats in one setting you will perk up for sure. Nothing he writes about is new and hasn't been mentioned in the news before. I do like how the authors do link the truth about Islam. It isn't a peaceful religion. The only people who believe that is the cocktail circuit at Georgetown. The real Islam power base in the middle east definitely don't believe it nor have they ever believed it. Islam is a religion which expanded under the power of the sword and keeps its power under threat of death if you convert. However the authors try to make the link to end times prophecy from the news events and they don't quite make it.
The theology of the story here in the book is first rate. Every point is backed up by verses from the bible. It is very easy to understand. Theology students and serious readers on the subject might get bored with the book. They do lay out a different time line than most. Their points are not quite the same as Hal Lindsey says but close. They sort of miss how the temple might play a role in the end times. They also expand their scope beyond revelations. They take from the whole bible, not just revelations. Far to many people in America don't do that. They see the confusion and images of revelations and don't draw any conclusions. When you read all of the end times prophecy from both the old and new testaments you for sure will see things differently. If you read all of those cites plus remember the exact nature isn't know yet to us humans you will convince yourself that golf next Sunday isn't quite as important as you think. I think after reading this book you will make it to church. | |  | END TIME AND TODAY'S EVENT Feb 18, 2008 |
Excellent work ,makes you take notice of the end time prophecy how it describes the events going on in the world today.
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