OverviewDr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp, red letter typeface enhances this Bible's usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.
Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
Publishers DescriptionDr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible's usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preachers and people with vision difficulties.
Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes, and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
* Black Bonded Leather
* Clear, readable 10-point typeface.
* 16 pages of full color.
* Complete Scofield Study Bible features.
* Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
* Red letter text.
Pages 1616
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11" Width: 8.4" Height: 1.9" Weight: 3.75 lbs.
Binding Leather, Bonded
Release Date Mar 28, 2024
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISBN 0195272536 EAN 9780195272536
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 10.00 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 16 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 04, 2024 01:48.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | All Around Wonderful Version Mar 29, 2007 |
I love this large print Scofield Bible! I have always thought the Scofield Bible is one of the few really good Bibles. I have the regular print version and it has served me well for several years but with age, my eyesight has deteriorated, and, thus the need for larger print. I am very happy with the large print Scofield Bible. If you are considering purchasing this Bible, my suggestion is go for it. I'm sure you won't be sorry! |
 | Large Print Excellence Mar 8, 2007 |
When it comes to study bibles I have found the Schofield to be well organized, thought provoking and generally reliable in its information. To find it in a large print, with all of the features, and leather bound at such a reasonable price was almost too good to be true. I purchased four of them for various people I know who require larger print. This included my wife who loves it. |
 | The old Ssofeild study Bible KJV my review Mar 3, 2007 |
The kjv Scofield study Bible is a good guide to the Bible. The notes refrences and cross refrences make the Bible understandable. Reading kjv you learn new words and it seems more authoratve. the maps are good. The redletter for the new testament is the best way to have it so the words of Jesus are clear and easy to find. recomanded for anyone who wants to read and know the Holy Bible. |
 | Excellent publication Feb 1, 2007 |
The Bible is very legible as it has a good size print plus the references are excellent. The notes are extremely helpful and informative. A Study Bible well worth owning. |
 | Great Product Jan 10, 2007 |
It is a Scofield so can I say more. I recommend the product. |
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