OverviewA full-featured study Bible at an amazing price! Dr. C.I. Scofield's classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Standard Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.
This renowned study Bible features:
An unparalleled, subject-based topical chain reference system that enables readers to follow major themes throughout the entirety of Scripture
Enlightening introductions, complete outline subheadings and a complete chronology for each book of the Bible
Illuminating, same-page explanatory notes
Comprehensive indexes to annotations and subject chain references which permit thorough topical study
A detailed study Bible concordance with integrated subject index and dictionary of Scripture proper names
Other Features:
Presentation page
Family record pages
Double-column format
Center-column references
9 Point text (both Scripture & notes)
Words of Christ in red
Ribbon Marker
Gilded Page Edges
Black Bonded Leather
Thumb Indexed
Publishers DescriptionHere's a full-featured study Bible at an amazing price. Oxford is proud to offer this edition, which contains reflections on the Word of God that have guided believers for nearly nine decades. A convenient size and affordable price make this study Bible a real bargain. This treasured volume has been digitally reset to provide a more readable typeface without altering its pagination.
* Authorized King James Version text.
* Concordance.
* Clear, readeable typeface.
* Subject chain references.
* Larger trim size (6-1/2 x 9")
* Same-page text helps.
* Complete Scofield references.
* Subheadings.
* Revised marginal renderings.
* Comprehensive index.
* Introduction to each book of the Bible.
* Subject index.
* English equivalents for Hebrew dates.
* 16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with index.
* Chronologies.
Pages 1616
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.36" Width: 6.61" Height: 1.34" Weight: 2.7 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Mar 25, 2024
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISBN 0195274687 EAN 9780195274684
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Blue Point/Type Size: 9.00 Version: KJVS Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 14 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 11:48.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Atlanta, GA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Quality Item Dec 11, 2007 |
My sister and I bought this for our dad for his birthday. He liked it very much. He said it was nice quality leather, which was what impressed him most. |
 | A Different Perspective Dec 7, 2007 |
As far as the study portion of this Bible, I just ignore it. But what really, really makes this my current choice of Bible is it's size. When you open it, it stays open. You don't have to worry about it closing on you in the middle of a sermon. Literally, this thing melts in your hand. I have looked long and hard to find another Bible with these dimensions. I have found nothing. Nothing. Nothing. In the end, you only have to hold it open to see what I mean. |
 | Timothy 3:16-17 Apr 11, 2007 |
I haven't read through the whole thing yet, but I'm satisfied with the quality of the construction. As far as doctrine, it seems to be sound. It's a Cambridge edition Authorised, 100% Textus Receptus. Remember these are the very words of God, every jot and tittle, only available in the King James and not in ANY modern version, but the notes are from a fallable man. It's a good book for pre millennial dispensational teaching. That is lost on many today, and it shows in these apostate last days. His return is imminent. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. This lost generation is desperate for it. |
 | All Around Wonderful Version Mar 30, 2007 |
I love this large print Scofield Bible! I have always thought the Scofield Bible is one of the few really good Bibles. I have the regular print version and it has served me well for several years but with age, my eyesight has deteriorated, and, thus the need for larger print. I am very happy with the large print Scofield Bible. If you are considering purchasing this Bible, my suggestion is go for it. I'm sure you won't be sorry! |
 | Large Print Excellence Mar 8, 2007 |
When it comes to study bibles I have found the Schofield to be well organized, thought provoking and generally reliable in its information. To find it in a large print, with all of the features, and leather bound at such a reasonable price was almost too good to be true. I purchased four of them for various people I know who require larger print. This included my wife who loves it. |
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