OverviewThe Dake Annotated Reference Bible is like no other study Bible on the market. More than twenty years of painstaking research went into it. With 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross/chain references and 9,000 outline headings, the Dake Bible gives you more resources for personal study than you'll find in any other Bible. Period.
Yet it's not just the number of notes, references and headings that set the Dake Bible apart. It's what those tools do for you. Thousands of passages are amplified. Obscure readings are made clear. Ancient customs are explained, along with matters of history, culture and geography. Greek and Hebrew words and idioms are handled. In addition, parables, types, symbols, allegories and figures of speech are dealt with. Dispensational issues are treated in a systematic fashion, along with hundreds of details of biblical prophecy.
In other words, the Dake Bible is the ultimate tool to help you truly understand Scripture and "rightly divide the word of truth."
Community DescriptionKJV Dake Reference Bible/Large Print
By Dake Bible
Binding: Black Bonded Leather
Please Note, Community Descriptions and notes are submitted by our shoppers, and are not guaranteed for accuracy.
Pages 2351
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 11.6" Width: 9.8" Height: 2.4" Weight: 5.75 lbs.
Binding Leather, Bonded
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
Publisher Dake Bible Publishers
ISBN 1558291180 EAN 9781558291188
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 10.00 Version: KJV Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 154 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 25, 2024 02:01.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | The text/font size is too small Dec 26, 2008 |
I give this book 1 star because the text/font size is too small, it doens't matter how good the content is if I can't read it. The product description mentions "7 point" but I found that this didn't provide me with enough information to visualize how large or small the print would be when attempting to read it. The two center columns are scripture, and the two outer columns are Dake's commentary, and they are different font sizes, which makes the pages look very weird. Unfortunately, the large print edition is almost twice the price. this site could have avoided a refund if the product description included the proper warning to convey how small the text size is.
 | Awesome! Dec 18, 2008 |
I love this Bible, especially for all the work put into it. The commentaries are very informative, and I find myself picking this Bible up more than my other versions, because of the additional helps. Having said that, I do take issue with the commentator's personal views (Acts Notes page 275)on separation of the races. There are no scriptures to support his views. Other than that, this is a great work and I have personally purchased 3 for my friends. |
 | Dakes Study Bible Dec 16, 2008 |
This is an intensive, well written, Charismatic, Pentecostal oriented study Bible. Exhaustive notes, and cross references make it a good addition to a Bible students library. The only complaint I have is that the print is small for old eyes! |
 | I sent it back Oct 29, 2008 |
The Bible I ordered was too small for me to read. I sent it back. I want that bible but I need it in large print. I can't find thr right price. |
 | No No No Jul 30, 2008 |
Research this man and his false teachings! He was convicted of violating the Mann Act by willfully transporting 16-year-old hitchhiker Emma Barelli across the Wisconsin state line "for the purpose of debauchery and other immoral practices." Dake pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months in a Milwaukee jail. |
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