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Item Description...
Product Description The Prophet's Dictionary by Paula Price is an essential tool for laymen, prophets, prophesiers, pastors, intercessors, and dreamers of dreams. As an all-in-one dictionary and reference book containing over 1,600 relevant definitions of terms and phrases for the prophetic realm of Christian ministry, it exposes ancient religious seductions and how they have infiltrated movies, television, and books. Prophetic visions and clues to interpreting their symbolism, imagery, and signs are also included.
People from all walks of life can benefit as this book aids in the understanding of what may be expected from prophets or the prophetic ministry. Delve deeper and you will find much more. God speaks to us today!
Item Specifications...
Pages 602
Dimensions: Length: 9.2" Width: 6.2" Height: 1.8" Weight: 2.1 lbs.
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
Publisher WHITAKER #54
ISBN 160374035X EAN 9781603740357 UPC 000000911123
Availability 1159 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 10:11.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Helpful guide to the Super Natural Oct 13, 2008 |
This is a great reference piece that I use anytime I have a dream or vision. It's a great guide to help you into the right direction when looking for what symbols represent in the super natural. Love it! | |  | Fun, fantastic Oct 12, 2008 |
It is so fun and so rich in revelations. A great guide to better understand the Bible. Multidimensional. Great for the mind and the soul. | |  | Great resource tool. Sep 24, 2008 |
I consider the Prophet's dictionary an invaluable tool in my Bible study time. I use it to help prepare for sermons and writing lesson plans. I highly recommend it to every one that reads the Bible! I praise God for Dr. Paula Price, and for her obedience in creating a tool to help us uderstand the mind of God. | |  | Not Just For Prophets... It's For Every Christian Jul 14, 2008 |
One of the most essential reference books that every Christian should have in their library. Whether you consider yourself as "gifted" in the prophetic or not, you need this book.
If you've ever had a dream or vision that you didn't understand OR you clearly knew that your dream/vision was from God and you had more questions than answers. This book will help you discover the meaning of the images you've been given. | |  | Quite good May 17, 2008 |
This wasn't quite what I thought it would be. I had assumed that it would be a dictionary of every possible mental image and dream I had, and it is sorely lacking in that, but what it does give is a lot of well-researched things that are part of church life and Biblical life. Interesting book. | | Write your own review about Prophets Dictionary (HC)