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OverviewThe Life Application Study Bible, is today?s #1-selling study Bible. The Life Application Study Bible, includes nearly 10,000 notes and features designed to help the reader apply God?s truth to everyday life. Personality profiles highlight over 100 important Bible characters. Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and time line to help readers understand the message of each book. Two hundred thumbnail maps highlight important bible places and events and 260 charts help explain difficult concepts an relationships. Publishers DescriptionThe "Life Application Study Bible, " is today's #1-selling study Bible. The "Life Application Study Bible, " includes nearly 10,000 notes and features designed to help the reader apply God's truth to everyday life. Personality profiles highlight over 100 important Bible characters. Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and time line to help readers understand the message of each book. Two hundred thumbnail maps highlight important bible places and events and 260 charts help explain difficult concepts an relationships.
Pages 3200
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.4" Width: 6.82" Height: 2.35" Weight: 4.55 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date May 1, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414332009 EAN 9781414332000
Bible Binding: Hardcover Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 11.00 Version: NLT2 Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance Indexed: Yes - Comes Indexed
Availability 7 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 11, 2024 09:18.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay.
Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | It's Great! May 26, 2010 |
It is great! Easy to read and understand. I would highly recommend this Bible. | |  | Need a Bible cover for this bible May 20, 2010 |
Help. I have ordered this bible as a gift for my husband for our 1st "paper" anniversary and I need to find a nice bible cover that fits the large print girth but can't seem to find 1 w/ the right dimensions. Any advice? | |  | Great help! Wonderful notes. May 12, 2010 |
This Bible really brings the Word to life. Since the notes are geared toward personal application of the scripture, they continually offer you insights and challenges to help you grow. Because it is large print, the Bible is heavy, but it is a great study aid! | |  | Large Print Life Application Bible.. thin pages May 11, 2010 |
The text is large enough that I can read it, however, the pages are so thin that the text from the reverse page shows through making it very difficult to read the page you want to. The interpretation helps tremendously and makes the Bible much easier to understand. I've taken it to church with me twice and the binding has already shifted causing the book to close lopsided. I understand that it takes more space & weight to make a large print Bible, but the thin pages could definitely be made of a better product that is not so transparent. Most people that have visual problems like me, will struggle to see the print. | |  | Meets my needs well Apr 15, 2010 |
I really like the large print, the thumb index, maps and life application. Had been using a small NLT Bible which worked fine, but wanted a bit more reading, historical references, and application. This does that. Only drawback would be its size. Not something I will lug back and forth to church but wonderful for home study and bible study. | | Write your own review about NLT2 Life Application Study/Large Print-HC Indexed
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