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OverviewToday's #1-selling study Bible--the Life Application Study Bible--is now available in several best-selling personal-size bindings. The Life Application Study Bible is updated and expanded with over 300 new Life Application notes, nearly 350 note revisions, 16 new personality profiles, updated charts, and a Christian Worker's Resource. Free iLumina Gold starter software is included in hardcover and bonded leather bindings. Publishers DescriptionToday's #1-selling study Bible--the "Life Application Study Bible"--is now available in several best-selling personal-size bindings. The "Life Application Study Bible" is updated and expanded with over 300 new Life Application notes, nearly 350 note revisions, 16 new personality profiles, updated charts, and a Christian Worker's Resource.Font size 7.7 point.
Pages 2412
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 7.92" Width: 5.38" Height: 1.77" Weight: 2.2 lbs.
Binding Softcover
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414302584 EAN 9781414302584
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 7.70 Version: NLT2 Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 114 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 23, 2024 05:45.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Help us escape from a cult Mar 9, 2007 |
We used to be members of a big cult. This study bible helps us a lot and a lot in understanding the truth.
The members of this horrible cult do not champion salvation in Christ alone. They appear to be humble but their search for a new spiritual experience or advocacy of SOME WORK AS NECESSARY FOR SALVATION is actually HUMAN PRIDE!!!!! They do not want to submit to God's plan of salvation revealed in the bible.
Since you and other believers have been released from ritualistic observances why should you let others bind you down again???? NO HUMAN WORK CAN BE ADDED TO THE MERIT OF CHRIST"S DEATH. The legalistic commands of their leaders are a SELF-IMPOSED RELIGION and are of NO VALUE FOR SALVATION.
Please believe us and study this excellent study bible by yourselve and this book will open up your eyes. Time and tide waits for no man. You don't have any time left. Escape from them immediately. You have a chance only in this human life, not of those life after death. Come and look only at Jesus Christ and you will be saved!!!!
| |  | The BEST Bible I have owned! Nov 5, 2006 |
The NLV is my favorite version and this study bible really helps you to get into the word and fully disect it! I love the breakdown of the 1 year reading schedule in the back. It is enough to get you through the whole bible but isn't overwhelming or hard to fit in. It even tells you that it focus' on all of the main and key points of the bible. I love the cross refrences and I love how you can read a foot note for almost each verse to totally understand it's meaning. I have been much more excited to open my bible and read it every day since getting this. My husband really likes the traditional looking bibles so this wasn't one to get his attention, until he started looking at mine. Then he wouldn't leave mine alone until we finally bought him one too. It is a perfect size...not huge like the full size version, but it does make the print kind of small. I personally am not bothered by the print. There is tons of extra information and extras in this bible and I truly recommend this bible (especially since it is priced at an awesome price) to anyone, people familair with the bible and especially people still growing and learning. It has been my most favorite purchase in a while. | |  | Life Application Study Bible, Personal Size: New Living Translation, Personal Size May 12, 2006 |
I like the bible but the print is too small to read & make reference | |  | New Living Translation--Second Edition (2004) Jan 12, 2006 |
I would like to share some thoughts regarding the New Living Translation--Second Edition (first published in 2004):
When the NLT was first released back in 1996, I was not impressed. As a matter of fact, I was appalled!
Many of the NLT's renderings were much too free--too much of a paraphrase. As an example, I refer you to Mark 7:20, where Jesus refers to the "thought-life." ARE YOU KIDDING?
The second edition of the NLT gives a more precise translation.
This Bible is, thankfully, the 2nd edition. It's a great buy, though the print is a little on the small side. :) | |  | Nice personal size Bible Jun 5, 2005 |
Overall this Bible is nice. Study guides clearly explain what is going on with different scripture and applies it to life today.
There are a few downsides to this bible though: 1. No red letters for Jesus' Words 2. The text is rather small (font size). Some times it's hard to read if it is sitting a distance away from your eyes.
Would I recommend this version? Probably. But, I would recommend you go to a book store or Christian store and see this in person before you buy it here on this site. See if it's for you. If so, come back here and purchase it. this site seems to have a good deal on the price of it compared to buying retail.
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