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Item Description...
Book Description The Gift and Award Bible offers today's most popular features including book introductions, dictionary and concordance, words of Christ in red, full-color presentation pages and maps, and a durable binding at an affordable price. Perfect for individual gift-giving or for churches.
Additional Information New Living Translation-2 Gift and Award Bible. This Bible offers today's most popular features including book introductions, dictionary and concordance, words of Christ in red, full-color presentation pages and maps, and a durable binding at an affordable price. Perfect for individual gift-giving or for churches.
Item Specifications...
Pages 832
Dimensions: Length: 8.27" Width: 5.51" Height: 1.34" Weight: 1.4 lbs.
Release Date Nov 15, 2023
Publisher TYNDALE BIBLE #76
ISBN 1414302061 EAN 9781414302065 UPC 000000857426
Bible Binding: Imitation Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 7 Version: NLT2 Redlettering: Yes - Words of Jesus in Red! Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 286 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 08:24.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Specific Types > Gift & Award Bibles [608 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Specific Types > Special Occasion [729 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Translations > New Living Translation [254 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Significant revision Feb 1, 2005 |
Forty years ago, Ken Taylor published his Living Letters, which was Paul's epistles in contemporary English. It opened Paul up for me. Although it was a fairly loose translation, and only taken from the American Standard Version by an untrained bible lover, I still got mad when I read Romans 9, so it was close enough to give me the drift!
In about 1970, this developed into The Living Bible, which was a paraphrase which enabled many people to come to grips with the bible for the first time.
In the late 1980s, a group of distinguished evangelical scholars revised Taylor's paraphrase, transforming it into The New Living Translation. This version was still easy to read, but much closer to the original.
Now in 2005, Tyndale have released The New Living Translation 2, which goes even further in the direction of accuracy. It is an extensive revision, in which few verses have been untouched.
If you already use the NLT, you'll find this version is still the same style of translation, but it is much closer to the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In some instances it seems to be even more particular than the TNIV, which has also just been released.
If you are skeptical of "dynamic equivalence" translations, I urge you to carefully look at this version. It is still easy to read, but now much tighter. In soem ways it is more "literal," but also at times, even more explanatory.
Highly recommended. | | Write your own review about NLT2 Gift & Award Bible-Black Imitation Leather