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OverviewListeners will encounter the Word of God in short, practical devotional segments designed to listen to on the go. The Word of Promise? Inspiration for Today, Volume Two,is a two- CD set packaged in a designed swing tray jewel case. There will be 40 three-minute devotions, equaling two hours of inspired listening time. The devotions will include an excerpt from The Word of Promise? New Testament Audio Bible text, an insightful reading by Michael York, and meditative music from composer Maestro Stefano Mainetti. Publishers DescriptionEncounter the Word of God in short, practical devotional segments designed for people on the go. "The Word of Promise"(TM) "Inspiration for Today, Volume 2, "is a two-CD set packaged in a designed swing tray jewel case. There are 40 three-minute devotions, equaling two hours of inspired listening time. Devotions include excerpts from "The Word of Promise"(TM) "New Testament Audio Bible," an insightful reading by Michael York, and meditative music from composer Maestro Stefano Mainetti.
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 6.51" Width: 5.57" Height: 0.5" Weight: 0.2 lbs.
Binding CD
Release Date May 1, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 1418533211 EAN 9781418533212
Bible Binding: Compact Disc Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: NKJV
Availability 43 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 13, 2024 09:42.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Audio Bible - but with some problems Apr 5, 2008 |
I have been listening to "the Word of Promise" for a few weeks now, and really like this dramatic presentation of the Bible. I have many different productions of audio Bibles, this would be the best - except for a couple of VERY annoying things. (1) This product does not announce the chapters of the books of the Bible, except for the introduction a book. This presents a real problem, if you are trying to keep up with where you are in the Bible. I have never heard of an audio Bible that does not announce each chapter. This alone, will cause me to set your production aside, when I finish listening to it once. I listen to the Bible in the car, at home, while walking, and occasionally in the office - which REQUIRES you to know what chapter you are in, at any given time, so you can pick it up from another source, or to pick up the Bible and read, from that point. What where the producers thinking? (2) I love your special affects, except that constant scratching when the letters of the Bible are being read. We know that Paul's books are a collecion of letters that he wrote, having hours and hours of audio scratching to duplicate writing a letter does nothing but annoy the listener. It is ok for a few minutes, but hours of scratching is not necessary. I am a minister, and often recommend these products to people, but these two things will prevent me from recommending this audio Bible. | | Write your own review about Audio CD-NKJV Word Of Promise Inspiration For Toda
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