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Product Description God loved the Ninevites and wanted them to change, so he sent Jonah with a special message to save the day. Will the Ninevites listen to Jonah and obey Gods wishes and stop slapping each other with f
Item Specifications...
Pages 96
Dimensions: Length: 6" Width: 4.3" Height: 0.6" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Release Date May 1, 2024
ISBN 0310701287 EAN 9780310701286 UPC 025986701284
Availability 137 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 10:33.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Perfect in every way!! Mar 17, 2003 |
Okay, maybe I was a little disappointed in the small size but everything else is just perfect. Every page in the Old Testament and New Testament has a short verse in rhyme that reads the significance of a particular person in the bible. It's short and right to the point! The illustrations are beautiful and the pages are good quality. If there was a board book version, I would have bought this for my 13 month old son a lot sooner. This is his actual "first" bible and I'm including it in his Easter basket. Would also make an excellent Baptism gift. | |  | His First Bible - Little Stories for Little Hearts Apr 5, 2000 |
HIS FIRST BIBLE is a beautifully-illustrated story book for baby's first introduction to the Bible. One four-line verse per page, with a colorful picture, is a wonderful way for a small child to meet well-known Bible personalities. It is appropriate for the very youngest child and must be read aloud. | | Write your own review about His First Bible