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ages 2 and under
A charming first book of prayers for baby. Makes a wonderful gift for a new baby. Parents and Grandparents and Baby alike will love this padded, foil-stamped and embossed edition of My First Book of Prayers.
Item Specifications...
Pages 96
Dimensions: Length: 6.1" Width: 4.4" Height: 0.6" Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Release Date Sep 1, 2024
ISBN 0310702879 EAN 9780310702870 UPC 025986702878
Availability 121 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 10:32.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | ; ) Jul 27, 2005 |
I'm very please with how fast the books were sent to me. I brought it two weeks ahead of the baby shower I was going to so I figure it might take a while for me to get it so it was great that I got it just in a few days like I was promise. | |  | Wonderful book Sep 20, 2004 |
This book focuses on being thankful for all things in life--from the smallest of things (the green grass, noses, giggles and many more) to the more important things in life (Mommy and Daddy and families). Prayers are very short and rhyme. Prayers about behaviors are included in this book such as a couple about being sorry for acting bad and learning to share. The book is small--perfect for tiny hands. This has been one of my very favorite books. I will buy this book for all new moms in the future. I definitely recommend this book and hope you enjoy it as much as I have. | | Write your own review about Babys First Book Of Prayers