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The Biblical Foundation for the Best-selling Left Behind Series . . . In the twinkling of an eye, millions of people across the world vanish, resulting in highway catastrophes, plane crashes, utility breakdowns, and more. Chaos reigns. With the stage set, a dictator emerges who persecutes Christians horribly. But tribulation is about to give way to incredible joy -- for the return of the King of Kings is at hand. In Revelation Unveiled, Dr. Tim LaHaye, coauthor with Jerry Jenkins of the best-selling novels Left Behind and Tribulation Force, reveals the scriptural foundation of this series. Revelation Unveiled explains such critical topics as: - The rapture of the church - The Return of Christ - The Great Tribulation - The Final Battle against Satan and His Hosts - The Seven Seals - The Millenial Reign - The Seven Trumpets - The Seven Bowls of Wrath - The Great White Throne - The Destruction of Babylon - The New Heaven and New Earth -- Previously titled Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain, this revised and updated commentary includes numerous charts. With simple and accessible language, Revelation Unveiled will help you better understand this mysterious, final book of the Bible and its implications.
Item Specifications...
Pages 384
Dimensions: Length: 8.4" Width: 5.4" Height: 1.1" Weight: 0.9 lbs.
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
ISBN 0310230055 EAN 9780310230052 UPC 025986230050
Availability 81 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 07:55.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Welcome to fantasy island.. Mar 1, 2007 |
This book may as well be a science fiction novel. None of the information in this book is based on Sacred Scripture. Where he gets his interpretations of the Book of Revelation, we don't want to know. All of the information on the Catholic faith is completely wrong and he has done no research to substantiate his claims against the Church. The only thing I would recommend this book for is to start your next winter fire with. | |  | Awesome, do NOT miss this one!!!! Dec 27, 2006 |
Liberal Christians hate it, and that says a lot it all in my book! As for the book itself, it is a clear, practical look at the Book of Revelation. If folks don't like this book it is because they are fearful of what the Book of Revelation tells us is going to happen to the unbelieving and apostate amongst us. Christians you will LOVE this book if you struggle to understand the Book of Revelation. | |  | Textbook in Parochialism Oct 18, 2006 |
Just when it seemed dispensationalism was losing steam, along came Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins to breathe new life into the movement with the apocalyptic novel Left Behind. That book and the remainder of the series is based upon the dispensationalist system of eschatology developed in the 19th century and made the standard for fundamentalism in the 20th. That there is little scriptural or historical support does not seem to phase its adherents in the least. They merely read their own meanings into passages by imposing a systematic superstructure upon the prophetic verses of Scripture and map their imagined meanings onto the texts. This artificial system is made to fit - often in a forced manner - no matter how square the pegs and how round the holes.
Yet before LaHaye came up with the idea for Left Behind, he also wrote books detailing the system he supported in a more conventional manner. One of the more important to gain an understanding of LaHaye's eschatological views is his commentary on the Book of Revelation, Revelation Unveiled. Here we see the system that guides his novels without the ability to hide behind claims of literary license. What emerges is a parochial, nationalistic, and bigoted vision in which God seems to save the most vital outpourings of the Holy Spirit for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants living in the southern United States.
Needless to say, LaHaye would take issue with that claim but this is primarily because he fails to recognize the flaws and biases of the ingrained assumptions that are intrinsic to the fundamentalist subculture that has formed the backdrop of his theological upbringing. Part of this is a virulent anti-Catholicism that manifests itself in opposition to much of what is historic Christianity in favor of an individualistic and uniquely Ameican distortion of the faith. He time and again peddles views that are part of the American ethos as essential to Christianity and holds what happens to his subculture and their ancestors as determining the health of the Church.
This parochialism is seen early in his interpretation of the seven churches as outlining periods of Church history with the most negative saved for the medieval and contemporary church and the most positive saved for his idealized period of Evangelicalism. Besides the obvious fact that there is no justification in the text or history for such an interpretation, there is the clear problem that he sees everything from the eyes of a modernist American. The so-called "Dark Ages" were a completely Western phenomenon and even then it recovered when peace was restored. In the Eastern half of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines carried on the great patristic tradition and in the lands east of the old empire, the Church of the East would engage in one of the most remarkable evangelistic outreaches in history. In the ideal Evangelical age of LaHaye's imagination, Christianity was in almost complete decline as the views of secularism took hold of Europe and much of America. In the contemporary era when things are supposed to be collapsing, Asia and Africa are seeing conversions to the faith that dwarf any evangelistic outreach in history. It is quite obvious LaHaye judges the success of the Church by the success of that part of the Church through which he can trace his lineage.
Things do not get much better in later chapters as LaHaye uses all manner of logical gymnastics to attempt to make the Scriptural passages fit into the dispensationalist system. All he seems to do is perform verbal sleight-of-hand and, when he cannot overcome the obvious difficulties, resort to ad hominem attacks on his opponents. Again and again he constructs artificial and completely shallow arguments for the rapture but never explains why there is no passage in Scripture that states Christ will come back twice. It is merely the system that imposes the idea and the necessity of the system that divides passages into "rapture" and "second coming" classes. Amid the charts and graphs is the undeniable fact that this system is a modern construction that would not have been recognized by any Christian living in the first millennia and a half of the Church's existence.
Not that this is an issue for most dispensationalists. There is a great irony that these alleged rebels against modernism are thoroughly modernistic in their approach to Holy Scripture. History means nothing to them as they revel in their "new discoveries" that could not have been known "until now." Just as all the Christians throughout history must step aside to their superior understanding, even the world itself must end because they have arrived to usher in the last days. They have taken the modernist idea of progress and internalized it as a facet of the Christian faith. The belief that modern Evangelicals will unite with Jews to usher in the end of all things (of course, the Evangelicals get whisked away while the Jews are left behind to face slaughter) becomes an apocalyptic version of the American ideal of manifest destiny. Nineteenth century modernism lies at the heart of twenty-first century fundamentalism.
The crudeness of LaHaye's anti-Catholicism is not as subtly displayed as in his fictional Left Behind series. Here he makes overt attacks and draws heavily upon Lorraine Boettner's Roman Catholicism as a source for his views. Boettner's work has long been recognized as horribly biased and inaccurate and has been a sourcebook for anti-Catholic bigots for decades.
His crude biases apply no less to those with non-dispensationalist views than to those from other ecclesial traditions. He constantly harps on the fact that dispensationalists take a "literal" reading but this is clearly not the case. In a book laden with symbolism, the symbolic interpretation is the literal reading. In fact, LaHaye gets it all backwards! In his interpreation of the first three chapters that are not part of John's vison and are clearly messages to seven churches in first century Asia Minor, he reads them as symbolic of Church history. But in the later chapters that are part of John's apocalyptic vision and obviously drenched in symbolism, he complains because others seek to understand the symbols in their proper context. Here, LaHaye and other dispensationalists go wild trying in bizzarre attempts to match these symbols to "literal" modern weaponry. It never occurs to them that such prophetic visions in the Holy Scriptures are never analagous to a video playback but are given in symbols that need interpreting.
A glance at the bibliography given in the book is evidence enough of his insulation within the fundamentalist mindset. The books cited are largely from his own fundamentalist camp and reinforce his own biases. He makes no attempt to understand those with different views in their own words but merely parrots attacks from other authors who share the views of his subculture. Even the few that do not fall into this category are outdated works that do not reflect contemporary standards of scholarship.
Revelation Unveiled is a textbook case that exposes the truly unsavory backdrop that underlies the worldview of fundamentalism. It takes much of the worldview of 19th century Anglo-Americanism and seeks to apply it as a foundation for the Christian faith. Dispensationalism is thus merely an outgrowth of that view applied to escahtology. If there were any doubt, LaHaye unwittingly asserts just how culturally biased that view has become. Even among dispensationalist commentaries on the Book of Revelation, it attempts new lows. It is the "ugly American" of eschatological commentaries and should give pause to any reader of the Left Behind series who does not share its underlying biases. | |  | Anti-Catholic? Or Does The Truth Just Hurt? Sep 20, 2006 |
Ok, I've read enough reviews here that I had to counter all the angry "Catholic Clubbers" with some fire of my own. Yes, this book comes down hard on Catholicism. Why? Primarily, because so much witchcraft has entered the church since it's conception that it can easily be tagged as one of the 7 churches mentioned in the bible.
Dr. LeHaye outlines every aspect of Paganism that is mirrored by the Catholic church in their own way. Somewhere along the way while trying to counter Pagan rituals and Pagan holidays, the Catholic Church inadvertantly started its own pagan rituals such as: Praying to the Saints (no where in the bible does it ever suggest this is ok), Spell Casting (Prayer of St. Jude of Novena, Hail Mary), Rituals (Candle Lighting in ceremonial fashion), the list goes on and on. In FACT, many Wiccans practice both Catholicism AND their own Pagan cermonies for the very reason that they are very similar. Ever seen a bumper-sticker that says, "Call The Corners and Pray the Rosary"? They're out there!
While it is evident throughout one certain chapter breaking down the 7 churches, it simply is not the crux of the book which is; a strong arguement for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory.
The book breaks down piece by piece the mysterious book of revelation, it also relates to the 70 weeks - largely because of the misinformed belief that the 70 weeks already happened by certain religions in Christianianity. It gives you timelines, charts and other useful grpahics to argue it's point.
There are 3 theories to the rapture, and unlike previous reviewers have suggested, the pre-trib is NOT based in tradition. One reviewer lamented something about the prediction of a 1981 and 1988 rapture. Anyone who reads this book, along with other books of the same topic OR the other 2 theories will realize, "You know not the day or the hour." However, one thing CAN be said, without a rapture, you CAN know the day or the hour by counting down from 7. | |  | Not As Extreme As Critics Paint It.... Aug 27, 2006 |
LaHaye's REVELATION UNVEILED is nonfiction, unlike his best-selling LEFT BEHIND series. Yet it's hard to refer to this book without addressing his fiction , since LEFT BEHIND has made LaHaye something of a lightning rod for attacks from those disagreeing with his endtimes system of interpretation, which is "pre-trib, pre-mil dispensationalist," which means he believes the Bible teaches a literal rapture before a literal tribulation period (7 years) before a literal millenium (1000 years) with a literal reign of Christ. Dispensationalists differ from Covenantalists (nondispensationalists) in that they have a literal, grammatical, historical method of Bible interpretation instead of an allegorical method, and this shows thru in REVELATION UNVEILED. Most notably, dispensationalists like LaHaye believe in a literal nation of Israel to be restored in the future, whereas covenantalists have no such place for national Israel and so spiritualize the prophetic parts of the Bible, making the Church to be the New Israel, and usurping God's unconditional Old Testament promises to Israel for themselves, applying them to the Church spiritually. Pre-tribbers will like this book, others will not.
While there is a sense of sensationalism in LaHaye's fiction (not surprising considering the topic and that it's fiction!), with this nonfiction commentary on Revelation, LaHaye's critics are still characterizing him as being way out there, when both the content and tone of the book are conservative and mainstream. For example, unlike more extreme interpreters who say Roman Catholicism is Revelation's doomed Mystery Babylon, LaHaye on p. 271 in bold, specifically says "Rome is Not the Only Form of Babylonian Religion," then goes on to discuss a coming global ecumenical idolatrous religion. A second example of mischaracterization is the accusation of some that LaHaye insists that Rev 4:1-2 is definitely referring to a pre-trib rapture, but on p. 100, he demonstrates responsible restraint, specifically saying the verse does NOT necessarily mean the rapture, just that he's "inclined to believe that."
That said, this is not my favorite Revelation commentary, for reasons of stylistic preference. LaHaye's commentary is not story-like as is David Jeremiah's, but it doesn't have the intensity of scripture and comparative references of more academic commentaries such as those of Thomas, Walvoord or Ryrie. There is no index in the back and the bibliography is minimal. It's an in-between kind of book, not a totally leisurely read, just requires attentiveness not intense study. Prophecy is LaHaye's thing, and it's obvious he's put a lot into this large and info-filled book, a contribution to the field. My biggest quibble is that the book title is oxymoronic, no biggie. | | Write your own review about Revelation Unveiled