Item Description...
Long awaited but well-worth waiting for, this elegant yet practical Bible is every Minister's dream. It is perfectly suited to the specific needs and demands of every minister.
This fine leather bound Holman CSB Bible is like having a fine "preaching Bible" and practical "minister's manual" in one.
This new Bible features easy-to-read large all black typeface, extra wide margins, 74-page concordance, and a full-featured ministerial helps section. This section is 54 pages of carefully chosen material to assist ministers with premarital counseling, weddings, funerals, baptisms, visitation, counseling, invitations, ministry to children, and communicating with youth.
The wedding and funeral helps are from Orlando pastor, Jim Henry. The Wedding section features guidelines for premarital counseling, ideas for planning ceremonies, couples commitment form, and model classical and contemporary ceremonies.
There is also thorough help for commitment counseling, how to lead an effective parent-child dedication service, worker commitment service, and building dedication.
Additional Information
Holman CSB Minister's Bible
By HCSB Scripture
Translation: Holman Christian Standard
Description: Complete Without Apocrypha
Concordance: Yes
Pages: 1696
Trim Size: 6.9 X 9.94 X 1.55
Long awaited but well-worth waiting for, this elegant yet practical Bible is every Minister's dream. It is perfectly suited to the specific needs and demands of every minister.
This fine leather bound Holman CSB Bible is like having a fine "preaching Bible" and practical "minister's manual" in one.
This new Bible features easy-to-read large all black typeface, extra wide margins, 74-page concordance, and a full-featured ministerial helps section. This section is 54 pages of carefully chosen material to assist ministers with premarital counseling, weddings, funerals, baptisms, visitation, counseling, invitations, ministry to children, and communicating with youth.
The wedding and funeral helps are from Orlando pastor, Jim Henry. The Wedding section features guidelines for premarital counseling, ideas for planning ceremonies, couples commitment form, and model classical and contemporary ceremonies.
There is also thorough help for commitment counseling, how to lead an effective parent-child dedication service, worker commitment service, and building dedication.
Item Specifications...
Pages 1806
Dimensions: Length: 10" Width: 7.1" Height: 1.7" Weight: 3 lbs.
Release Date May 30, 2024
ISBN 1586401696 EAN 9781586401696
Bible Binding: Genuine Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 9.5 Version: HCSB Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 5 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 23, 2023 09:25.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Good translation, very poor structural quality Jul 22, 2008 |
I was excited to get the Holman Christian Standard translation because I read that the translation is based on the most up-to-date manuscripts available (NA27/USB4 and BHS5). I also read that it was a perfectly balanced translation that was right between "formal equivalence" and "dynamic equivalence." In addition, it's a translation that conservative evangelicals can feel comfortable with (unlike the NRSV). However, upon receiving THIS particular version of the HCSB I was VERY disappointed. Holman did a very bad job binding the Bible and deciding on the paper type to use. The genuine leather was not that great and the papers used was just terrible. Most Bibles I have in my possession contain very good paper (thin but glossy and strong enough to write on) but this one you can rip apart easily and you cannot take notes on the paper or else it will see right through on the other side. I suggest people find another Bible version of the Holman translation. It's a good translation to lead Bible studies with and for personal devotion. However, avoid this one. You'll regret it and wished you didn't purchase it. The structure and actual quality of a Bible really matters and I hope Holman really understands that soon. | |  | Overall, I am delighted with this Bible... Jul 12, 2008 |
Before discovering this Bible, I was using an NIV application study Bible with the single column format. But NIV does not capitalize "He" and "Him" when referring to Jesus or God. The Holman Christian Standard Bible does. I like that because sometimes, especially in the Gospels, when Jesus is talking to His disciples or groups of people, I'd get confused on exactly who was saying what. By capitalizing "He", "Him", "His" etc. when referring to Jesus or God, understanding becomes much more clearer.
It's true that the pages would be nicer if a little thicker, but it is a very easy read... not really the kind of bleed-through like the "thin-line" Bibles. The spacing of the wide margins is quite easy on the eyes.
The two ribbon markers are a plus. The leather is soft and the gold tone page exterior is very pleasing to the eye. I like the page in the back that says, "Where To Turn" ....then gives the chapter & verse, such as, when you're feeling blue, tempted to do wrong, when you need wisdom, etc.
Since this is a Minister's Bible, and I'm not a Minister, I didn't know what to do with the pages in back for performing weddings and funerals. So what I did was paste notes and church sermon inserts over those pages.
I did enjoy the other pages about "The Invitation or Altar Call", "Baptism", "Church Membership" and "Assurance of Salvation." Reading those informational pages made me realize just what a very difficult, stressful, yet rewarding job a Pastor has. I have a much higher respect for Ministers & Pastors now.
I used to collect Bibles... one of each version, for comparison. I donated all of those other versions after discovering how easy to read the Holman or HCSV is. By far, this version and this Bible is my favorite. Not perfect. But very good indeed.
If you like study notes in your Bible, the Scofield III study Bible and the Apologetic's Study Bible... both in the Holman Christian Standard Version (HCSV) are also excellent resources. I hope this has helped. Thanks for reading my review. Have a blessed day!
| |  | Disappointed May 22, 2008 |
Although the Bible is beautiful, the pastoral helps were a huge disappointment. I was hoping for suggested worship/funeral/wedding (even hospital visit) formats/helps which are not there. I would not recommend this particular Bible to anyone who is looking for anything more than a nice looking Bible in a faithful translation. | |  | Superior Bibles to this are available Mar 2, 2008 |
Pages and cover are thin. Ribbon markers are skinny. Font and single column text are delightful, which is the reason for my purcahse. Some useful ministerial information in the back is enjoyable reading. I do not prefer this translation to KJV, NKJV, ESV or NASB. | |  | HCSB Ministers Bible Dec 7, 2007 |
The Ministers Bible: Holman Christian Standard, Black Genuine Leather, Single Column, Wide Margins
Excellent leather bible. It is very soft and flexible, not as soft/flexible as calfskin, but very nice. The font size is easy to read, single column is a very interesting way of reading the bible. Makes we wonder why we don't print all of our bibles that way. Decent wide margin for notes, lays nice and flat.
Very happy with the purchase. Would like to see it offered in Red Letter edition (just a personal preference). | | Write your own review about HCSB Ministers Bible-Black Genuine