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Product Description
Available in Black Bonded Leather. THE APOLOGETICS STUDY BIBLE WILL HELP TODAY’S CHRISTIAN BETTER UNDERSTAND, defend and proclaim their beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. More than one-hundred key questions and articles placed throughout the volume about faith and science prompt a rewarding study experience at every reading. Highlights of this new thinking person’s edition of God’s Word include the full text of the popular Holman CSB® translation, an introduction to each Bible book focusing on its inherent elements of apologetics, and profiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C.S. Lewis. Also featured are valuable contributions from a who’s-who of modern apologists such as Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, and many more. • The best apologetics thinkers of our day in one resource• The study Bible for customers asking the really hard questions about their faith• No other study Bible has the depth of resources that address the hard questions of faith and life• Serious help for Christians of all types• Tears down the obstacles to unbelief• Shows why the Bible is trustworthy• Allows Christians to dig into false teachings to see why they’re false• Will strengthen the church and give confidence to those who share their faith• Will better equip church leaders THE BEST APOLOGETICS THINKERS OF OUR DAY IN ONE RESOURCE (90+ CHRISTIAN APOLOGISTS):- Ted Cabal- Lee Strobel - Chuck Colson- Paul Copan- Norm Geisler- Hank Hanegraaff- Josh McDowell- Albert Mohler- J.P. Moreland- Ravi Zacharias- and many more Features MORE THAN 100 FEATURED ARTICLES IN CATEGORIES SUCH AS• Ethics• Interpreting the Bible in Light of Science• The Impact of Archaeology and History on Our Understanding the Bible• The Bible in Light of Theology• Christian Faith and Non-Christian Belief Systems• Christian Faith and Philosophy• Featured study notes that explain alleged “problem” passages in the Bible• 50 sidebars (Twisted Scripture) focusing on Bible passages misused by cults• Index of special articles for quick and easy access• Book introductions with special emphasis on anything of an apologetics nature• Profiles of key Christian apologists - Anselm - Athanasius - Augustine - Joseph Butler - C.S. Lewis - Irenaeus - Justin Martyr - Origen - William Paley - Blaise Pascal• End of verse Scripture references• Presentation page• Plan of Salvation• Two-column Bible text setting• Topical subheads• Translation footnotes• Holman CSB® bullet notes• Introduction to the Holman CSB®
Item Specifications...
Pages 2048
Dimensions: Length: 10" Width: 7.6" Height: 1.8" Weight: 3.35 lbs.
Release Date Oct 1, 2023
ISBN 1586400258 EAN 9781586400255 UPC 000000902957
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 8 Version: HCSB Redlettering: Yes - Words of Jesus in Red! Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 12 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 28, 2024 07:42.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | My Favorite Bible Dec 12, 2008 |
The Apologetics Study Bible is a great tool for new Christians or any Christian who wants a deeper intellectual understanding to ground their faith. With articles from the world's top scholars, philosophers, and professors, this Bible has a wide range of resources for people who want to know they are grounding their faith in reason and not simply taking a leap. Worth much more than the price. | |  | Knowing Your Faith Dec 12, 2008 |
This Bible give concise answers for knowing how to answer those who question my faith. I have really enjoyed the Holman translation. | |  | Apologetics Study Bible a misnomer Dec 11, 2008 |
My biggest qualm with this so-called Apologetics Study Bible is that, as far as I can tell, most of the issues they address are not really apologetic matters. They are doctrinal matters. Why does this make a difference? It makes a difference because the way we treat doctrine, which is the particulars of the faith, should be different than apologetics, which is a defense of the faith. Obviously, the two matters are related. A faith built on strong doctrine is more easily defendable.
The problem comes from confusing a legitimate question or interpretation from the inside with an attack from the outside. Christians with different doctrinal stances aren't trying to bring down the faith; if anything, they are trying to make it more coherent. Sometimes this has disastrous results. The problem comes when the writers of this book dedicate nearly a page and a half to refuting Open Theism, which I believe is a legitimate interpretation of scripture. Whether it is right or wrong or even orthodox has little bearing. It is an interpretation built on scripture and must not be treated as an attack. Moreover, I actually laughed out loud at one of John Frame's answers to Open Theism's critiques. Frame writes, essentially, that God changing His mind was part of His unchanging plan. Seriously? That's your answer? God planned to change His mind? Other petty, non-apologetics related criticisms include: why God is definitely male, why we definitely believe in eternal torment and not annihilation, and, I'm not kidding, why the Churches of Christ are wrong to disallow the use of musical instruments. They actually directly confront the Churches of Christ three times. Oh, and as an added bonus, they address the issue of Lillith, who doesn't even appear in the Bible, just in case you get in a Biblical debate with a vampire. | |  | Definitely worth a gander Dec 7, 2008 |
This Bible is definitely a pretty good version of the scripture, it is pretty accurate from what I've seen and studied, and I frequently use this bible as a good reference tool. The one feature I like most aside from the scripture itself is the "twisted scripture" section, where parts of the Bible that have been twisted around by viewpoints and other beliefs are pointed out as a reference. The articles that appear throughout the book have something to say, but they stay at a very simple standing at most. I don't really use the articles, as they haven't been particularly the most helpful to me during my studies. The topics they cover are much better learned when you go out and do the research yourself. You basically must take the word of the authors of the articles that what they say is true, as they don't give much of their own backing or research on the topics of study, but merely present their views for the most part. The commentary is definitely worth a look at, as it seems to be well thought out from what I've been reading. Overall, not too shabby. | |  | Learn to defend your faith Nov 17, 2008 |
First, "Apologetics" doesn't mean that you are constantly apologizing for being a Christian!! Seriously, every Christian is commanded to be able to explain what we believe and why to non-believers and to those who ask us how we face death, disaster, and sickness with a peace that passes all understanding. Most of us are not taught in Sunday school or church how to really do that like we should be. There are two Bibles that will teach you everything you need to know to defend your faith, win others to Christ, and to know what other religions and cults believe and why. One Bible is this one, the Apologetics Study Bible in the Holman Christian Standard Version. The other is The Evidence Bible done by the folks at Living Waters Ministry, Ray Comfort. There should be a spot on your Bible shelf for one of these Bibles...or both. The Apologetics Bible in Hardcover has the Thinker image on it, in Genuine Leather it looks a little cheap, if you like your Bible to look nice, get the higher priced leather version (not the genuine); if you want sturdier paper for marking and study get the hardback and stick it in a cover to cover up the tacky looking cover. Its a great Bible. | | Write your own review about HCSB Apologetics Study Bible-Black Bond