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Item Description...
Product Description
Like the acclaimed Apologetics Study Bible that has sold 115,000+ copies, the Apologetics Study Bible for Students will anchor younger Christians in the truths of Scripture by equipping them with thoughtful and practical responses for whenever the core issues of their faith and life are challenged. Multiple research studies have shown that spiritual focus often weakens among teenagers as they head into the attention-dividing realm of young adulthood. Up to 66% of them leave church altogether. The Apologetics Study Bible for Students works against that trend by helping this audience begin to better articulate its beliefs. In addition to the complete HCSB text and dozens of articles collected from todays most popular youth leaders, including general editor Sean McDowell, this new study Bible also includes: Two-color design-intensive layout on every page for the visual generation Sixty Twisted Scriptures explanations Fifty Bones & Dirt entries (archaeology meets apologetics) Fifty Notable Quotes Twenty-five Tactics against common anti-Christian arguments Twenty Personal Stories of how God has worked in real lives Twenty Top Five lists to help remember key apologetics topics
Item Specifications...
Pages 1440
Dimensions: Length: 9" Width: 6.7" Height: 1.3" Weight: 2.15 lbs.
Release Date Feb 1, 2024
Publisher Broadman And Holman Publishers
ISBN 1586404954 EAN 9781586404956
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 9.50 Version: HCSB
Availability 9 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 18, 2024 01:03.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A Student Apologetic Study Bible Jun 8, 2010 |
As a young believer I developed a sudden intense hunger for apologetics after a cultist knocked on my door challenged my faith. Then with an atheist at my work site I had to find a way to get intellectually armed, consequently I purchased dozens of books on apologetics. Oh how I wish this Bible or Strobel's apologetic bible had been available. Accordingly, Sean McDowell's (author: "Apologetics for a New Generation: A Biblical and Culturally Relevant Approach to Talking About God"; son of Josh McDowell) "HCSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students" is an outstanding apologetic resource for young people and students.
Within this reader-friendly tool one will discover:
- How to identify scripture twisting - Simple and powerful evidential proofs - Easy to understand archaeology facts - Outstanding quotes - Ways to defend the Christian worldview - Easy to implement tactics that will help intellectually equip students - Potent testimonies from important Christian figures.
McDowell's "Apologetics Study Bible for Students" is a helpful and powerful apologetic instrument written by an author who understands the challenges that Christian students face. The Necessary Existence of God: The Proof of Christianity Through Presuppositional Apologetics or One Way to God: Christian Philosophy and Presuppositional Apologetics Examine World Religions | |  | Outstanding gift to young people May 16, 2010 |
The Apologetics Study Bible for Students is outstanding for students and adults. Some of the best apologetic summaries that I have seen that really provides great answers and gets the readers to think them through so we can use them. Let's face it, young Christians today need material like this all the time especially in college. I am impressed also with the HCSB translation and its layout. Good work! | |  | Worth getting Mar 31, 2010 |
It has tons of relevent information to read and interesting stories and facts. Although there are tons of artilces they are only one page each so it gives you the run down on everything, but don't expect to walk away being able to answer every question you ever have. | |  | Great Bible Mar 23, 2010 |
This was a recomandation from my sons pastor. He tought that he would really love it. From the cover to the text filled with information that was teaching information. He loves it. | |  | HCSB Apologetics Study Bible for Everyone (not just students) Mar 18, 2010 |
I purchased the HCSB Aplogetics Study Bible for Students primarily because of the text (the 2nd edition of the Holman Christan Standard Bible translation). The HCSB is a fairly literal translation that is written in natural English. The NIV is translated in approximately the same manner as the HCSB, but the HCSB is more literal and includes many more tranlsation notes (adding a level of insight and transparency that the NIV lacks). The HCSB combines accuracy and readability better than any other translation, in my opinion. The 1st edition of the HCSB was my translation of choice for general study and the 2nd edition is an improvement over the 1st.
The study features of the Bible are very good. The articles, quotes, "Twisted Scripture" notes and study notes all serve to strengthen the reader's faith and provide a solid footing for the accuracy and reliability of God's Word. The only criticisms I have of this fine Bible are: 1) The font size of the study notes is a bit small 2) The Bible lacks a concordance (a necessity in a study Bible). Nevertheless, I would highly recommend this study Bible to students of God's Word, regardless of their age. | | Write your own review about HCSB Apologetics Study Bible/Students-SC