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Nelson's Compact Series: Compact Bible Handbook
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$ 14.39
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Item Number |
148020 |
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Item Description...
Product Description
- At-a-glance survey of every book of the Bible addressing the "who, what, where, when and why" questions.
- Includes Outlines, Charts, and Timelines
- Summarizes every book of the Bible
Item Specifications...
Pages 416
Dimensions: Length: 7" Width: 4.4" Height: 0.9" Weight: 0.55 lbs.
Release Date Oct 10, 2023
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0785252460 EAN 9780785252467
Availability 7 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 17, 2024 10:39.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | another fine addition in nelson's compact series Oct 8, 2009 |
as with the other books in this series you get alot of information in a small convenient package. it gives a summary and addresses the "who,what,when,where and why of each book of the bible. there are timelines, charts and outlines that aid in teaching and studies. it even has a section on the apocrypha. this is a good, first to look at, aid when you want to get a quick but thorough insight into the word of God. the handbook is divided into four parts: one being the old testament, two the new, three the apocrypha and part four is exploring the bible which is a section that helps set up studies for individuals or groups with different study plans. for what you get and the price one can't go wrong with adding this to your bible helps collection. in fact i just today purchased a copy for my wife so i can have mine back as she really enjoyed reading it.
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