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End the frustration of being unable to locate a Scripture, find a biblical word definition, or get a historical fact when you need it. Each volume in the affordable Nelson's Quick Reference(tm) Series stands alone or can be a solid foundation for an easy-to-use Bible reference library. Within this time-saving and convenient Bible commentary, acclaimed Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe takes you through each book of the Bible, chapter by chapter, and makes it easy to…
Item Specifications...
Pages 864
Dimensions: Length: 6.02" Width: 4.08" Height: 1.82" Weight: 1.05 lbs.
Binding Trade Paper
Release Date Mar 22, 2024
Publisher NELSON BOOKS #75
ISBN 0785282351 EAN 9780785282358 UPC 000000237971
Availability 100 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 08:02.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | A Golden Little Book Oct 27, 1999 |
I accidently stumbled upon this wonderful commentary weeks ago. I am glad God led me to it. I am becoming a much more serious student of God's word. But I enjoy reading commentaries that are not complicated. Warren Wiersbe has been able to share wonderful insights from the Word of God, while giving the reader credible facts that are easy to read. His reflections and thought provoking questions have been very moving. What I enjoy the most, is having a commentary I can actually carry around in my bag. I am constantly on the go. I love reading it while I am on the train, bus, the Bible study at my job, on the plane, etc. I would definitely recommend this commentary as a gift for a new believer. It would make a wonderful companion to the regular Bible. | |  | A little book with giant-sized help! Oct 18, 1999 |
I love this little reference book. Wiersbe does a fine job of synthesizing each book of the Bible, and then each of its chapters, in small, readable chunks, establishing essence in a few short sentences, with Biblical cross-references where appropriate. In some instances he poses thoughtful questions and includes inspirational quotations. I've just begun teaching a Bible Study class and have found both commentary and synopses invaluable. For its size, this book is jam-packed with useful resources. I recommend it to anyone who wants to increase understanding of the Bible. | |  | From a Christian Perspective May 16, 1999 |
A superb help understanding the Holy Text especially Exodus, Leviticus & Numbers (the Jewish Pentauch) which are usually out of reach & incomprehensible to most modern Christians. I read the Chapter commentary BEFORE I read the Bible & it helps me understand what's about to come. It also points to references within the Bible so I can get a full view of what I am reading & what is the context for what is happening. For the price it is unbeatable. Buy & you'll find yourself reading the Bible with pleasure not duty. Mr Wiersbe has done a magnificent job. | | Write your own review about Chapter By Chapter Bible Commentary