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Item Description...
New cover design.
Designed exclusively for teens, ages 14¿17.
260 daily devotions, featuring the best of the Youthwalk¿ devotions from the devotional booklets by Walk Thru the Bible Ministries.
Shorter weekend devotions for use on Saturday and Sunday.
All devotions are placed near the Scripture reading for the day.
Book introductions, giving a short overview of each book of the Bible.
Each devotion and book introduction presented in an appealing 2-color design.
15 full-color Hot Topic pages that cover issues such as eating disorders, divorce, and hell in a straightforward, biblical manner.
8 full-color inserts that tie in perfectly to the "WWJD" theme.
Full-color presentation page.
Reading plan and subject index at the back of the Bible.
2-color design throughout.
Single-column format.
9-point type.
Item Specifications...
Pages 1440
Dimensions: Length: 8.4" Width: 5.9" Height: 1.3" Weight: 2 lbs.
Release Date Nov 1, 2023
ISBN 0310900883 EAN 9780310900887 UPC 025986900885
Bible Binding: Paper, Flush Cut Color: Full Color Point/Type Size: 9 Version: NIV
Availability 31 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 07:49.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Authors, A-Z > ( W ) > Wilkinson, Bruce > General [64 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Authors, A-Z > ( W ) > Wilkinson, Bruce > Paperback [16 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Specific Types > Devotional [250 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Translations > New International [747 similar products] |
5 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Bible Study > General [2774 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Very one sided, even political. Feb 10, 2010 |
After reading through it, I was shocked at alot of what I read. It is definately coming from a protestant or Evangelical point of view. It really went overboard on sex. Constantly pounding home the "remain a virgin" until marriage point of view but never giving alternatives to those who decide they don't ever want to marry for one reason or another. Also just plain false information about condom use, and even though I'm straight I felt alot of hate toward gays in this book. It made it sound like everyone who is homosexual is "struggling" or not satisfied with their lives, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Lots of anti-evolution stuff too, and steering toward promoting creation in science class.
As a parent, I would be very leery of this book. You are really getting a "one sided" version of Christianity with it. It doesn't sem to do much for opening young minds, only closing them. | |  | NIV Aug 3, 2009 |
I was looking for a bible that was more my age, something less tween and more for a college student. This was still not what I was looking for but it's a great Devotional anyways. I would recommend it for ages 13-18. | |  | bible review Nov 26, 2007 |
I bought this bible for my 15 year old and her unsaved friend. They both have enjoyed reading it. It has brought up many questions from her girlfriend who is not saved and that is always a good thing. | |  | Expert Review Mar 7, 2004 |
I think that this book is awesome and i loved it sooooo much that i just wanted to get the second one. I think that it really helps you understand everything a whole lot better and it gives you storys for each day that you can relate to. Also it gives youan Bible verse for each day to turn to! Plus it explains the story and the meaning for each day! this is an great book for teens ( Coming from one!)and if you just became Cheistian or if you've been one I would reccommed it! | |  | Youthwalk Devotional Bible Feb 27, 2003 |
I love this book because it touches on all of the important issues that teens and everyone else faces from day to day. It helped me make a lot of important decisions and better understand the Bible and use it's teachings in everyday life. | | Write your own review about NIV Youthwalk Devotional Bible (Revised)-SC