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Overview-Combines the readability of giant-print type in an easy-to-carry size. Publishers Description -End-of-verse cross reference system -Easy-to-read concordance -Presentation Pages -Words of Christ in red -Topical running heads
Pages 1808
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6" Height: 1.6" Weight: 2.05 lbs.
Binding Leather, Bonded
Release Date Mar 14, 2024
Publisher Zondervan Publishing
ISBN 0310931975 EAN 9780310931973 UPC 025986931971
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 11.50 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes Concordance: Yes - Built In Concordance
Availability 82 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 25, 2024 02:30.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Book, Endless Subject Matter Jan 26, 2005 |
I am amazed that the most sought after, fought after book in history has not been reviewed. Well it is an honor to be a trail blazer in writing the first this site review on the Bible. First off I prefer the New King James Version of the bible because it preserves the old english language but makes it more understandable in todays vernacular. It is unfortunate that many have used Christianity for ill and have never even referred to the basic teachings of the Bible. The Bible speaks in figurative and literal language and for first time readers I would definitley recommend a Bible with commentary to explain the many issues the Bible addresses.
To see the bible as one book is the wrong approach. It is sold and marketed as one book but for literary and historical purposes it must be seen as a collection of books that tells a story, inspires, teaches and expounds on theological principles. Some books are very historical in the way they are written such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Others are very poetic like Psalms, and Song of Solomon others are prophetic like Isaiah, Psalms, Daniel, and Jeremmiah. It is inspirational throughout and theological in many books particularly the new testament books of Ephesians and Galatians.
Another way to look at the bible for those who see it as complicated, is seeing it as a play with 66 scenes, each scene representing a book. It also has two acts-the old testament (Genesis-Malachi) and the new testament (Matthew-Revelations) The gospels or the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John speak on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and were each independently written but coincide in its message but not necessarily on its exact content and writing style. They do complement each other in an amazing way.
One reason that I refer to the bible as inspirational throughout is because the teachings relate to our lives in a direct way. With most books, after reading once or at most twice, you never want to read it again. But unlike most books, the Bible has a way of giving new revelation even when reading the same chapters or books many times over. Of course some disagree with me on this, but from whatever perspective you read the Bible, you cannot objectively refer to it as irrelevant and lacking in depth.
It is definitely worth the read and has been the catalyst to hundreds of thousands of books that expound on its teachings.
The book of 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 says " All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
To read it is to love. Whether you are a college student in a literature class, a person hungry for knowledge about God, or a person seeking a message for today's world, the Bible is definitely your book. | | Write your own review about KJV Giant Print Reference/Personal Size-Burgundy Bond
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