NKJV Giant Print Bible in Burgundy.
Red Lettered
Publishers DescriptionThis title builds upon VMS File System Internals by Kirby McCoy to augment areas where the file system has changed and incorporates discussion where new file system features have been added. The book explores and documents the internal workings of the OpenVMS File system. It also covers aspects of the file system related to OpenVMS operation.
Pages 1803
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.7" Width: 6.5" Height: 1.4" Weight: 2.45 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
Publisher NELSON BIBLES #34
ISBN 0840713703 EAN 9780840713704 UPC 020049137031
Bible Binding: Imitation Leather Color: Burgundy Point/Type Size: 0.00 Version: NKJV Giant: Yes - Giant Type Print
Availability 21 units. Availability accurate as of Sep 09, 2024 07:35.
Usually ships within one to two business days from La Vergne, TN.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Flimsy cover - not real leather Jul 7, 2006 |
The cover is "leatherette" or some such product. Definitely NOT what I envision by the words "Leather Bound." Very flimsy. A good hard bound copy would fare better. The edges were a bit cracked on arrival. The price is good. You get what you pay for. This is a good Bible to just have around the house for reading & reference, not a take to church every week kind of Bible. |
 | damaged Jul 3, 2006 |
The book was not very good quality and we returned it without problem because of our dissatisfaction. The bible itself is always good and deserves five stars, but this particular one is not well printed. |
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