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Item Description...
Product Description This King James edition strikes a marvelous balance between being easy to read and easy to carry. The Holman Large Print Compact Bible is a perfect gift for the person on the go who wants to keep the Word at hand. This edition contains both encouragement and step-by-step guidance for reading the Bible through in a year. The Holman Large Print Compact Bible slips easily into a coat pocket, briefcase, or purse while quickly guiding the reader to familiar passages such as The Ten Commandments and The Lord's Prayer. Other features include Harmony of the Life of Christ, Jesus' Appearances After the Resurrection, Miracles of Jesus, Parables of Jesus, a concise concordance and eight full-color maps.
Item Specifications...
Pages 1562
Dimensions: Length: 6.5" Width: 4.8" Height: 1.4" Weight: 1.05 lbs.
Release Date Jan 15, 2024
ISBN 1558198768 EAN 9781558198760 UPC 000000115302
Bible Binding: Bonded Leather Color: Black Point/Type Size: 8.25 Version: KJV Redlettering: Yes - Words of Jesus in Red!
Availability 258 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 08:55.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Bible Jan 21, 2009 |
I wanted a Bible that would be small enough to carry around, but with print large enough for me to read. My mother and grandmother got the same Bible after seeing mine. | |  | Bible Jul 4, 2008 |
Print is easy on the eyes. Bible is not oversized or heavy, but easy to carry. Great product! | |  | great small compact king james bible Sep 18, 2007 |
this is the best compact king james bible i have ever had the privilage of owning . or should i say the best small bible period . | |  | Best compact Bible... Jul 23, 2007 |
This is the best compact Bible I've ever seen. The print on most small Bibles is so small you can barely read it without a magnifying glass.
The print on this Bible is almost as large as a full-sized version.
Its the perfect Bible to keep in your car, or to travel with, or to give as a gift. | |  | Outstanding!!! May 24, 2007 |
If you go with larger print, it will not be compact. The best compact Bible I've seen. Old Testament quotes are in a different font type, Bold numbers for start of new paragraph(unique), references are perfect. I love the version. The only thing better is the KJV-450. | | Write your own review about KJV Large Print Compact Bible-Black Bond