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Item Description...
This is a softcover set that helps readers understand the historical and cultural background of the books of the New Testament. Brimming with lavish, full color photos and graphics, each book will walk you verse by verse through the books of the New Testament.
Item Specifications...
Pages 304
Dimensions: Length: 9.2" Width: 7.3" Height: 0.8" Weight: 1.7 lbs.
Release Date Aug 1, 2024
ISBN 0310278252 EAN 9780310278252 UPC 025986278250
Availability 8 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 11:53.
Usually ships within one to two business days from Johnson City, TN.
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Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > General [1794 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great resource Jul 23, 2008 |
This book has helpful illustrations, charts, and photographs which help with understanding the book of Acts within its cultural context. It was helpful for me to use for research as I prepared to teach Acts. | |  | A must have commentary! Nov 7, 2007 |
This commentary is a great addition to any collection for the serious student of the Word of God. The insight and understanding that it brings to the events surrounding and even behind the text makes this an invaluable addition to anyone's library of Biblical reference materials. | | Write your own review about Commentary-Acts (Zondervan Illust Bible Backgrou Comm)