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Item Description...
A parallel New Testament commentary that includes the text of the King James Version and applicable portions from the sermons from Charles Spurgeon on each left-hand page, and excerpts from the writings of John Wesley and Matthew Henry on each right-hand page. Read the biblical text and glance across the page to get the interpretations and meditations of these giants of the faith.
Item Specifications...
Pages 968
Dimensions: Length: 9.36" Width: 6.4" Height: 2.17" Weight: 2.75 lbs.
Release Date May 25, 2024
Publisher AMG PUBLISHERS #164
ISBN 0899574440 EAN 9780899574448 UPC 000000711086
Availability 10 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 02:00.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > General [1794 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > Commentaries > New Testament [2831 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > General [10297 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Not what it seems ! Apr 27, 2005 |
I agree with an earlier reviewer that it would have been better to leave out the Spurgeon sermons and give more space to the other commentaries.
However I still found it fairly useful. However the Matthew Henry puzzled me and I began to wonder whether it really was Matthew Henry, even in an abbreviated form. I was looking at St Paul's teaching that Christians should not be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers. To my surprise, in the original Matthew Henry there is no mention that this could apply to marriage, neither is there in the IVF Bible commentary.Yet in this (supposedly) Matthew Henry it definitely says that it does refer to marriage, and has some good comments on the subject.
So I have to ask, is this really Matthew Henry ? From what I have read, I doubt it ! But it still seems to be good stuff ! | |  | Rushed and Tricky (Read the fine print) Jul 1, 2004 |
I was very excited when I saw this book available for the first time online. It seems like a great idea. Spurgeon's, Wesley's, and Henry's commentaries on the New Testament in one volume, and for such a reasonable price.
Here's one reason why the book seems to have been rushed through production... On the back cover it says "The text of the King James Version Bible, along with applicable portions from the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, is on the left-hand page. Excerpts from the commentaries of Matthew Henry and John Wesley are on the right-hand page."
But this is not the case. The Bible text is on the left-hand page along with John Wesely's commentary.
The left-hand side of this volume is great- the Bible text with John Wesley's commentary next to it. The right-hand side has 2 columns as well, with Henry's abbreviated commentary and Spurgeon's sporadic sermons.
The biggest disappointment? Matthew Henry's commentary is "abbreviated" and as for Spurgeon there's "selections" of his New Testament sermons. But you would only know that if you've had the chance to look at the volume in person.
Here's an example... There are 83 pages of commentary for the book of John. However, you only get commentary (actually, a sermon) on 3 verses from Spurgeon. There is about a 30 page (remember only 1/4 of space per 2 pages is reserved for him) sermon on John 2:7. Then there's about 25 pages on John 10:27. Finally there's a sermon that's about 18 pages on John 11:24-26.
This completely defies the idea of a "parallel" commentary to me. You'd have to get pretty lucky to find parallel comments across the board.
I think it would have been a much better volume if Spurgeon was simply removed and Matthew Henry's full commentary was inserted instead.
It almost seems like Spurgeon was just thrown in there for promotions sake. Like if you were holding a conference and you put "Billy Graham" on the flier. Then when you get there you realize he's only going to be there via satellite or something.
I think this volume will only sell well online because you can't get a good look and see what's it's really like.
Very disappointing.
I guess the reason I am giving it 2 starts instead of 1 is because I like the idea and it has potential, but very poorly executed in this volume. | | Write your own review about Parallel Commentary On New Testament