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Item Description...
From the novice to the seasoned Christian believer, or to anyone interested in the answers the Christian faith has to give concerning the timeless and contemporary questions humanity asks, this consice book delivers. Theological truths are approached in a simple question/answer format -which is very clear, short, simple and understandable to all. This, in itself, is no small accomplishment. All answers are Bible based, from the Protestant precpective, allowing the Bible to speak for itself. The book design: paper, graphics, and layout is of very high quality. For its brevity and size this book packs a powerful punch.
This handy guide provides a basic introduction to the Bible for the seeker or new Christian. Full color artwork and pictures illustrate the text and help the reader learn about the lands and people of the Bible. Key biblical words and doctrines are explained, and major biblical characters are highlighted. A seven-panel fold-out time line presents Bible history at a glance.
Item Specifications...
Pages 64
Dimensions: Length: 6.7" Width: 4.06" Height: 0.22" Weight: 0.195 lbs.
ISBN 1565633075 EAN 9781565633070 UPC 000000276009
Availability 43 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 17, 2024 12:29.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Excellent, Easy to understand booklet on Christianity basics Feb 18, 1999 |
From the novice to the seasoned Christian believer, or to anyone interested in the answers the Christian faith has to give concerning the timeless and contemporary questions humanity asks, this consice book delivers. Theological truths are approached in a simple question/answer format -which is very clear, short, simple and understandable to all. This, in itself, is no small accomplishment. All answers are Bible based, from the Protestant precpective, allowing the Bible to speak for itself. The book design: paper, graphics, and layout is of very high quality. For its brevity and size this book packs a powerful punch. I very highly recommend it for any age group, for both Christians and truth seekers alike. | | Write your own review about Bible Made Easy S/S