Vine's Expository Dictionary Of Old & New Testamen [Hardcover]
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OverviewStudy the meaning of biblical words in the original languages-without spending years learning Greek or Hebrew. This classic reference tool has helped thousands dig deeper into the meaning of the biblical text. Explains over 6,000 key biblical words. Includes a brand new comprehensive topical index that enables you to study biblical topics more thoroughly than ever before.
Publishers DescriptionDig into the meanings of the words used by the original Bible authors-quickly and easily. This affordable edition of a classic study resource helps those with limited or no background in Hebrew or Greek to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages.
"Vine's Expository Dictionary" includes thousands of biblical words in one English A to Z listing for each Testament. Each entry covers how the word is used, its key occurrences in the Bile, its English transliteration, and definitions of its various uses in the Old or New Testament. A great resource for students, pastors, teachers, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies.
Pages 1324
Est. Packaging Dimensions: Length: 9.4" Width: 6.6" Height: 1.6" Weight: 2.3 lbs.
Binding Hardcover
Release Date Jun 1, 2024
Publisher Thomas Nelson
ISBN 0785250549 EAN 9780785250548
Availability 16 units. Availability accurate as of Apr 22, 2024 11:21.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Very Good - Biblical Book - what does the word mean? Oct 31, 2009 |
This is a very good book - if you want to know what an actual biblical word really means then you cannot get better than Vines - as recommended by Bible students the world over.
Helps you get to the real truth of Hebrew and Greek words and their various shades of meaning which lamentably is not always translatable in complete accuracy when entering into the English medium.
A good book and worth the investment for all Bible students and preachers who wish to delve deeper than the English permits into the orginal words of Holy Writ in the Hebrew and Greek. |
 | Vines Sep 5, 2009 |
This is an excellent book. It really assist you with breaking down the Bible. |
 | Great Reference Material Jul 29, 2007 |
This is an awesome resource to add to your collection. It really helps to understand where the words come from and what they mean in certain contexts.
I would also recommend the Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (Baker Reference Library) and the NASB MacArthur Study Bible(I read the NASB but it comes in the NKJV as well). |
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