| another awesome avenue to sharing the word! May 19, 2010 |
I totally enjoy the bible experience (New Testament) and can say the same for this recent purchase (the Old Testament)...worth every dime. I use this in conjunction to reading the word. This shouldn't be used as a study guide alone. You need to read and meditate on the word of God. This is an excellent adjunct, truely a blessing! |
 | THis is the way the bible was meant to be heard May 18, 2010 |
The printing press is only a few hundred years old; Let us not forget that the bible and the word of God is an oral tradition. It is meant to be "heard". We have the text for greater accessibility, but that does very little if we don't read it.
As a spoken word poet, this text comes alive. The score is perfect. Moreover, it has deepened my understanding of the kind of God we serve. This is a special project. Especially for those of you with long commutes, it makes me look forward to traffic to find out what happens next. Please check this out. It will not disappoint, especially for those who have trouble reading the bible. You will have a deeper understanding of the context when you read. |
 | The Old Testament May 13, 2010 |
I use this all the time. I'm studying the Torah and I use this in my car on the way to work to study my lesson and just repeat and repeat. Then when something else peaks my interest I put it in and list as I go. Or I play it around the house. I use it all the time. Praise God! Thanks! |
 | A fantastic spiritual investment!! May 4, 2010 |
The audio version of the Bible created by the Bible Experience brings life to the Bible. With many different voices, and emphasis on the scriptures you develop a whole new meaning and love for the holy word of God. The music, and the sound effects are so amazing, it gives you a visual as you listen and read along with the cd's. |
 | dylexic, guilt and no time Apr 26, 2010 |
I live 17 miles from the nearest town. 45 from city. Therefore CD's are great. I listen to this to and from but also keep music at times. It is a great way for me to take time to 'read' the whole Bible in a very pleasent way. I am a 'liberal' Christian and find the translation wonderful. Each CD has written on them the Books covered. Bible is broken up into three heavy duty zippered cases for easy storage and can be kept forever. I am very pleased with the way the Bible is presented and the reading is not overly dramatic. The scripture is easy to hear and plain to understand. I have felt guilty as a Christian for not taking the time but the dylexia makes it a trial. I told my minister about this and am seriously thinking about buying a copy for my church for others who have a hard time reading to enjoy this. |