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Item Description...
Product Description 2009 Retailer's Choice Award winner! Super Bowl--winning coach and #1 New York Times best selling author Tony Dungy has had an unusual opportunity to reflect on what it takes to achieve significance. He is looked to by many as the epitome of the success and significance that is highly valued in our culture. He also works every day with young men who are trying to achieve significance through football and all that goes with a professional athletic career---such as money, power, and celebrity. Coach Dungy has had all that, but he passionately believes that there is a different path to significance, a path characterized by attitudes, ambitions, and allegiances that are all too rare but uncommonly rewarding. Uncommon reveals lessons on achieving significance that the coach has learned from his remarkable parents, his athletic and coaching career, his mentors, and his journey with God. A particular focus of the book: what it means to be a man of significance in a culture that is offering young men few positive role models.
Item Specifications...
Pages 288
Dimensions: Length: 9.1" Width: 6" Height: 1.1" Weight: 1.05 lbs.
Release Date Jan 1, 2024
Publisher Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414326815 EAN 9781414326818 UPC 031809126813
Availability 113 units. Availability accurate as of Aug 26, 2024 12:57.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | fine. It was what I expected and in the condition advertized. May 26, 2010 |
Fine. The book was what I expected and in the condition advertised. I like the book very much because I work with young men. | |  | Sound Advice Apr 25, 2010 |
Common sense, sound advice, written in an easy read. It never hurts to hear these lessons over and over. A great choice for a young man. | |  | Inspiring Apr 21, 2010 |
THis book was right on. Dungy hits all the important issues of being a Man. A must read for all young males. | |  | great book Apr 9, 2010 |
Fantastic book. Not just another sports book but talks about what really matters in life. | |  | For Young Men Mar 24, 2010 |
UNCOMMON is a series of short homilies by Tony Dungy, discussing such things as character, self-discipline, sexual purity, being a role model, and many others. It is primarily aimed at younger men who may not have had strong male role models growing up, as they begin to make life-defining choices about living their life.
Tony relates many anecdotes from his own life, interactions and lessons from his parents and other relatives, as well as his wife and family, and career. While these stories are interesting, the overall effect seems a bit bland and repetitive, general advice of the "be good and eat your vegetables" variety about avoiding self-destructive behaviors, making choices, etc. As with many books by/about sports figures, this book is at risk of becoming rapidly dated as time marches on and fewer of the target readership demographic are familiar with the specific NFL personalities mentioned. And the glitzy world of professional sports does not always provide close parallels with the challenges and trials of lower-profile occupations with real-world consequences, where lives may be at risk and work-life balance may be difficult or impossible to maintain (medicine, public safety, emergency services, the military, etc.). Nevertheless, there are some real "gems" in various passages (such as the idea of self-fulfilling prophecies, or appreciating our individual uniqueness in God's plan) that make this book worth the read for anyone. And the final chapters, on eternal self-esteem, relationship with Christ, faith, purpose, and significance, build to a strong crescendo of uplifting concluding thoughts. | | Write your own review about Uncommon