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Book Description A trustworthy classic of Bible scholarship, this compact and inexpensive edition of Smith's is more than just a dictionary defining thousands of biblical words. It's a complete Bible study resource, packed with page after page of essential information like . . . • Descriptions of important Bible characters and locations • Dozens of maps and charts to deepen Old and New Testament understanding • Chronological tables of events for quick, accurate reference • 4,000 questions and answers designed to challenge and instruct • Background on biblical life including such items as weights and measures, idols, vegetation, geography, kings and queens, musical instruments, animals, traditions and customs, food, political movements and more
Download Description A trustworthy classic of Bible scholarship, this compact and inexpensive edition of "Smith's" is more than just a dictionary defining thousands of biblical words. It's a complete Bible study resource, packed with page after page of essential information like: - Descriptions of important Bible characters and locations - Dozens of maps and charts to deepen Old and New Testament understanding - Chronological tables of events for quick, accurate reference - 4,000 questions and answers designed to challenge and instruct - Background on biblical life including such items as weights and measures, idols, vegetation, geography, kings and queens, musical instruments, animals, traditions and customs, food, political movements and more.
Item Specifications...
Pages 912
Dimensions: Length: 8.84" Width: 6.16" Height: 1.87" Weight: 2.25 lbs.
Release Date Jul 1, 2024
ISBN 0917006240 EAN 9780917006241 UPC 000000261163
Availability 45 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 14, 2024 10:08.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
Orders shipping to an address other than a confirmed Credit Card / Paypal Billing address may incur and additional processing delay. |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Smith's Bible Dictionary Nov 9, 2006 |
This book was not at all what I had hoped it would be. It does not contain all relevant biblical words that I need for my study. | |  | A great resource Aug 30, 2005 |
Though you can find more extensive Bible dictionaries and encyclopedia's, for the size and price this one cannot be matched. It is packed with excellent information. No fluff, no wasted space, it gets right to the point. It is an obviously well researched and scholarly resource.
I have the 1 volume softcover edition. The type is so small I can barely read it, but I discovered that I used it more because it was so handy. It is easily carried when I travel and is always kept nearby even at home.
This is a serious resource. It contains information on everything. Outlines and backgrounds of the books of the Bible, Biblical cities and countries, Biblical characters, animals, trees and plants, some customs of the time (though very little compared to books written specifically for that purpose), and much more.
The sad thing is, you can probably find it for $2.00 at a used book store, when the reality is that it is worth infinitely more than many of the higher priced modern books. If you can't afford an extensive library, you can learn a whole lot by using this book in your Bible study. You can spend 10 times more money for a multi-volume set, but at best probably only gain 25% more pertinent material. I highly recommend it. | |  | Smith's Bible dictionary Dec 28, 2001 |
Smith's Bible dictionary is a comprehensive and complete bible dictionary nearly any word you can find in the bible is in here. Smith's bible dictionary not only gives a basic difinition but also an indepth explanation of the usage and where appropreate an explanation of it's symbolic meaning(s). An additional plus is that nearly every page has at least one well drawn black and white illustration or diagram given further insight into the geography, characters and meaning of biblical events. | |  | Indispensible Bible study tool Sep 25, 2001 |
Want to know about how Hebrews could become slaves to each other? Or exactly what the ancient Holy Days were all about? How about the various foods, plants, clothing and jewelry mentioned in the Old Testament? Smith's, the quintessential Bible dictionary, will add a context to your in depth Bible study that will cement imagery in your head that will make your studies more productive and your memories more vivid and long-lasting. And when it comes to the Bible, context is everything. We are so far removed from our religious ancestors in time and culture that to rely simply on the Bible text is to fail to understand those wonderful people. | |  | A must for Bible Students! Aug 9, 2000 |
This book is compact, easy to use and fair. | | Write your own review about Smiths Bible Dictionary S/S