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Book Description
Be Inspired. Be Informed. Be Prepared. The Book of Daniel is really two books in one as you'll discover in The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Daniel. You'll be inspired by Daniel's integrity in part one. As a young man in Babylonian captivity, Daniel's faith and courage led him to famously interpret the King's dream and to survive being cast in a furnace. And, you'll be amazed by Daniel's God-given prophecies in part two. Many of these events have already taken place or are now unfolding exactly as predicted. This Smart Guide will help you understand-and be prepared for-God's triumphant plan. Be Smart About: - Obeying God
- Priorities
- Prophecies & Prophets
- Trusting God
- Spiritual Warfare
- God's Sovereignty
- End-of-the-Age Powers
- And More!
Smart Guides Are for Everyone! The Bible is loaded with valuable insights for every area of your life. The Smart Guides to the Bible let you easily uncover them all-even the passages you once thought were hard to understand. Whether you're new to the Bible, a long-time student of Scripture or somewhere in between, you'll appreciate the many ways the relevant helps on each page lead you to get the most out of God's Word.
Item Specifications...
Pages 384
Dimensions: Length: 10" Width: 8" Height: 1.3" Weight: 1.55 lbs.
Release Date Jun 19, 2024
ISBN 1418509981 EAN 9781418509989 UPC 000000896320
Availability 18 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 01:33.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Product Categories
1 | Books > Subjects > Children's Books > Religions > Christianity > Bible > Reference & Interpretation [1194 similar products] |
2 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Bibles > Study Guides, History & Reference > Gener [1077 similar products] |
3 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > General [10297 similar products] |
4 | Books > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Reference > New Testament > Study [4395 similar products] |
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Christian Bible Study Oct 22, 2009 |
This book was so thourough with facts and references to other scriptures. It was an intense study of The Book of Daniel. I would rate this book on an A list for serious Biblical Study. I got an A in this class and I think using this book was a big help. | |  | A One Sided View of Daniel and His VIsions Feb 17, 2009 |
I picked this book up as a supplement to a study of Daniel that I was doing in hopes that it would present some extra material on the book.
I was right and wrong. I believe that if you are a fan of the 'for Dummies' and 'Idiot's Guide' series you will find the layout of this book very similar. It was very easy to navigate and there were insights into the book that made Daniel and the prophecies more meaningful.
That said, this book ties Daniel closely to Revelation, which many scholars do, but in doing so the author links it with the dispensational premillenial interpretation of Revelation. (If you have no idea what I am talking about, just know that the dispensational-premillenial view is just one of many ways to interpret Revelation). In many cases, the author stretches the meaning of the scriptures to explain how Daniel predicts the coming of the Antichrist and his actions.
The reason this is so important is that the author ties much of Daniel's vision's to that of John's as sort of a precursor to that book. This would have been a much better commentary if other views (even one other view) had been treated with equal time rather than having the reader believe that the only way to interpret this book is the way that the author(s) believe. The author(s) do bring in commentary from other sources, but they all reinforce the assumed interpretation.
Just to give you an example of opinion of the authors, the last paragraph on page 199 reads like this: "The verses about toes, horns, and kings quickly confuse those who do not spend much time with Bible prophesy, but they are clear to those love to study God's Word."
This is followed on the next page by a chart outlining what certain symbols mean.
I guess this means that if you study God's Word enough, you will come to the same conclusion as Larry Richard. If my opinion is not the same, then I guess I haven't studied enough.
Leaving out language like that would have improved the book tremendously along with providing other possible ways of interpreting Daniel.
I guess if you agree wholeheartedly with the author(s) then this would be a 5 star commentary, otherwise it ranks a solid 3. | |  | enjoyed this book. Feb 11, 2009 |
This is easy to read. I would have liked something with more depth. It is a great overview. | |  | Great Bible Study book. Jul 24, 2008 |
Buy the series for your study groups. Daniel was very easy to read and full of insight as with the other books in this series. Great for Bible study. | |  | Good Guide to Understanding the Book of Daniel Jan 21, 2008 |
Daymond Duck's The Book of Daniel is filled with color commentary and background from other books of the Bible, along with quotes from scores of modern preachers. It's a banquet full of thoughts and insights into the text and its meaning. Having previously written a volume on Revelation (for the same series: The Smart Guide to the Bible Series, Larry Richards, general editor), Daymond uses his insights from Revelation to overlap with the backbone of history and prophecy laid down by Daniel. Written from a Pre-Tribulational viewpoint, this 366 page work gives study helps such as "something to ponder," "key point," cross-referencing, applications, and even marriage and family tips along the way. I recommend this book in your study of the book of Daniel.
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