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Item Description...
The life of Jesus Christ takes on fresh clarity and meaning in this masterful work by Dwight Pentecost. The words, the miracles, and overarching message of the Messiah come alive in flowing and detailed chronology, set against the cultural, political, and religious setting of his day. You'll gain new understanding of why Jesus came, how he operated, and what he accomplished. Above all, you'll acquire a deeper appreciation for the love that guided his path, beginning in a manger in Bethlehem, leading through three and a half years of ministry that ended abruptly at the cross on Golgotha, and blazing forth in eternal triumph at the resurrection. Drawing liberally on the works of others who have written about Christ, such as Alfred Edersheim, J. W. Shepherd, W. Graham Scroggie, and Frederick Faraar, Dr. Pentecost reveals in his own writing a familiarity with the subject that comes from years of teaching. Yet he writes, not as one who knows all there is to know about Christ, but with the restraint of one who knows that Jesus is to be worshiped and adored as the great King, and that no book can do more than begin to tell all the wonders of his being and his love.
Item Specifications...
Pages 640
Dimensions: Length: 9.5" Width: 6.5" Height: 1.6" Weight: 2.24 lbs.
Release Date Apr 1, 2024
ISBN 0310309409 EAN 9780310309406 UPC 025986309404
Availability 23 units. Availability accurate as of Jul 15, 2024 01:35.
Usually ships within one to two business days from New Kensington, PA.
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Reviews - What do our customers think?
 | Great Reference Book! Jan 12, 2007 |
This book is an excellent reference source to be used alongside the Scriptures to receive a full picture of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The book gives an in depth glimpse into Jesus' life and teachings by giving historical references and explaining the culture and customs in that time period. I highly recommend this book. | |  | good knowledge, poorly written Nov 6, 2006 |
a good size book packed with material, but could have been written better | |  | 1 Star is Too Much Aug 22, 2003 |
This book is very poorly written: - Extensive quoting of two 19th century sources almost qualifies the book as a mere compilation - What original material exists has a tendency to be uninformative, seemingly only existing to connect quotes - The referencing is sparse - There are several non-trivial contradictions and even some outright falsehoods - The author, Dwight Pentecost, is rabidly anti-Roman Catholic throughout the book, which lends it a severly biased air Overall, this book is not worth the paper on which it is printed. | |  | Solid Work, Poorly Written Feb 25, 2003 |
Pentecost is a true scholar and a good, Bible-believing teacher of the Word. This volume is theologically dependable. He is Premillennial, dispensational, and a good interpreter by my standards. On the negative side, it is horribly written with constant and relentless quoting of 19th century scholars. Because of this, it contains the horrid and ambiguous Victorian era verbiage (how those people loved to make the simple complicated!) and plagued by the small font of lenghty quotations. He is constantly quoting Edersheim or Geikie. I already have Edersheim and Geikie. I was hoping Pentecost would deliver me from the Victorian era and present a freshly written work in a latter 20th Century straight-forward American style. As a result, I use this volume only as a last resort. | |  | Comprehensive, Theological Treatment of Christ's Life Feb 25, 2001 |
This book was required reading as the central text for a "Life of Christ" seminary course. It is a formidable tackle, with a comprehensive look at the subject matter of the title in detail. Its sheer volume makes it a difficult "read straight through", but it holds a prized spot on the bookshelf as an invaluable reference work for any study or teaching of the Gospels. Pentecost is one of the great Christian minds of the twentieth century, and of course hailing from Dallas Theological Seminary, one can expect and find his work to be highly dispensational in nature. The entire life of Christ is examined in light of His offer of the Kingdom "first to Israel". His emphasis goes a bit far in this arena, in my opinion. Looking past his strong dispensational bias however, Pentecost's work is a classic treatment. He quotes classic Life of Christ theologians from past generations (Edersheim, Farrar,, and this work is very much a modern extension and addition to that library of very special and classic seminal works on the earthy life of our Saviour. Even a stronly non-dispensational student could benefit greatly. from this work. Pentecost's Judaic roots add depth and certain nuances which can greatly amplify events in the Life of Christ. I heartily recommend this work for the serious student of the Bible. It is not casual reading, but will enhance the minister's library and enrich any serious preaching or teaching ministry. | | Write your own review about Words & Works Of Jesus Christ